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Statue of Liberty Statue of Liberty

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1 Statue of Liberty Statue of Liberty
Did you know that the statue of liberty is a symbol of the U.S.A. The statue has chains by her feet. The chains stand for freedom. The statue was a patriotic symbol. Frederic Auguste Bartholdi designed the Statue of Liberty. The statue also has 7 spikes for the 7 continents. It welcome immigrants. There is some info about there is some info about the Statue of Liberty.

2 Liberty bell Liberty Bell
The bell is a large bell. The bell was made out of copper. The bell had a crack. Rang for independence. The stand`s for the end of slavery. The Liberty Bell was made for freedom. This is all I know about the Liberty Bell.

3 Star spangled banner Star Spangled Banner
Francis Scott Key wrote the song. He wrote the words during the war of It started as a poem. Congress chose the song as our national anthem. That is all I know about the Star Spangled Banner.

4 Flag of u.s. Flag of U.S.A The design of our flag has 13 stripes for the 13 colonies, the color red mean courage, white mean`s liberty and blue mean`s loyalty. It`s on the moon. The flag has 50 star for the 50 statue. The flag is also called Old Glory and Stars and Stripes. Major George became commander of Fort McHenry in That`s all I know about the U.S.A flag.

5 Bald eagle Bald Eagle The bald eagle was chosen our national bird. Only lives in the U.S.A. The bald eagle stand`s for courage, freedom and independence. Charles Thomson chose the bald eagle. Fun fact the bald eagle is not bald. These are some symbols of the U.S.A.

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