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The high school High school of the Golf. The high school The high school of the Golf is located in Dieppe in the north in the France.

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Presentation on theme: "The high school High school of the Golf. The high school The high school of the Golf is located in Dieppe in the north in the France."— Presentation transcript:

1 The high school High school of the Golf

2 The high school The high school of the Golf is located in Dieppe in the north in the France.

3 The high school There are other schools next to the high school of the Golf and it is interesting because we can do lots of meetings.

4 The View The high school of the Golf is next to the sea, we have a beautiful view !

5 The castle museum The high school of the Golf is next to the castle museum

6 The beach The beach of Dieppe. It is beautiful !

7 The high school Let us present the inside of the high school.

8 In the high school There is a hall. It is very big.

9 In the hall There are 2 footbridges, which pass over the hall to change the floors.

10 On the footbridge Here is the footbridge to pass from the second to the third floor.

11 In the hall There is a screen which broadcasts information all day.

12 In the high school In the high school, there is seven buildings : Building A : Teaching. Building B : Teaching And CDI (Center of Documention and of Information). Building C : Administration and staff room. Building D : Canteen. Building E : Boarding school. Building F : Infirmary. Building G : Garage.

13 In the self-service restaurant The entrance of the self-service restaurant.

14 In the self-service restaurant In the canteen.

15 In the CDI There are books and computers.

16 In the high school There are also rooms different from the others.

17 In the high school Class of biotechnology.

18 In the high school Laboratories.

19 In the high school The fashion workshop

20 In the boarding school It is the boarding school.

21 Let us present the outside of the high school. The high school

22 The outside of the high school It is the meeting room.

23 The outside of the high school It is the stadium

24 In the high school In the high school, there are different extracurricular activities.

25 Extracurricular activities There is Hip Hop.

26 Extracurricular activities There is a Fight against AIDS and against the addiction to smoking.

27 Here are other pictures of the hall.

28 In the hall

29 The board The board to numbers of pupils in the high school.

30 The Various Sectors Various Sectors to manage it towards our future job.

31 Some presentation and information Some presentation and information are imperative if you want to contact our high school.

32 Address of the high school. The address and phone number of the high school : Adress : Chemin du Golf, 76372 Dieppe CEDEX France. Phone Number :

33 Presentation of the Head master and the assistant Head master. Head master : Véronique Hauchard. Assistant head master : Thierry Drouard.

34 Here is a link to join the head master or look for information

35 Goodbye :).

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