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“Walk with Me”: The Impact of Patient and Family Engaged Education

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1 “Walk with Me”: The Impact of Patient and Family Engaged Education
Bright Zhou, MS; Olivia Jee, MD; Kim Osborn, MPA; Erika Schillinger, MD Introduce course 2 sentences Walk with Me is a course in which students and patients are partnered.

2 Disclosures None

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4 Session Goals and Objectives
Discuss Patient & Family Engaged Medical Stanford Focus on the “Walk with Me” Course Understand A Student Perspective of Curriculum

5 When We Say Patients We are talking about: Patients Their Families
Their Caregivers Highlight that these photos are sent in by patients, are cheerful, and show the patient perspective – und

Patient & Family Engaged Medical Education includes the patient, family, and caregiver perspective at the exploration, development, and implementation stages of curriculum design, moving the patients, families, and caregivers from the role of "end user" to that of designer of the hearts and minds of future clinicians. Community This is a pivot from pt centered care to pt engagement IMPACT

7 42 Pre-Clerkship Medical School courses that reference patient engagement in the course description 5 Clinical simulation participants Research participants Volunteer patients in clinic Patient & Family Partners engaged in longitudinal experience with Medical and Physician Assistant Students Admissions interviews Guest speakers Curriculum partners Student mentors Types of Engagement Number of Patients, Families & Caregivers volunteering across all School of Medicine Programs = Unknown SHC (81%) SU (12%) CE Referral (7%) Recruitment Source Complexity of our patient population. Lot of touches with the healthcare system. Personal and healthcare networks.

8 Patient & Family Engagement & Student Enrollment
Introduction of Patient & Family Partner pairings. Decoupling of ½ day clinical application. Currently offered courses with PFEP. Change in Inde 290 from being combined with the clinical practicum to now separate components of the course -> focused efforts on the direct patient and family engagement aspects beginning in Growing number and interest. Highlight both the increase in numbers across the years, but also decrease in class size from to How many students took the clinical application course in ?

9 Walk with Me Elective course
Up to 3 Quarters – Beginning 1st quarter of medical school Monthly seminar series developed around health systems science topics Students paired 1:1 with Patient for the duration of their enrollment in the course Explore the challenges of maintaining health and navigating a complex health care system

10 Structured Approach to Patient-Engaged Learning
Student- Patient/ Caregiver Partners Monthly Seminars Culminating Artifact 42 widely different partnerships. But the curricular structure that brings people together once a month helps to organize and ground common experience/exploration. x 42

11 Walk with Me Course Goals
Patient Experience Personal connection to the patient and caregiver experiences Students will develop an understanding of the patient’s experience in the health care system, including the impact of illness on patients and on those who surround & support them Students and their partners will explore navigating health in a complex health care system, and they will brainstorm solutions Students will develop awareness of the need to focus on their own wellness, in addition to that of their patients Patient partners will learn from the students as they begin their training. They will have a mutually beneficial experience System Navigation Change Agency Wellness The overarching goals of this course are that: Students will develop a personal connection to the patient and caregiver experiences Students will develop an early understanding of the patient’s experience in the health care system, including the impact of illness on patients as well as on those who surround and support them Students and their partners will explore together some of the success and challenges of navigating health in a complex health care system, and they will brainstorm solutions Students will develop awareness of the need to focus on their own wellness, in addition to that of their patients Patient partners will learn from the students as they begin their training. They will form a relationship, share their experiences, and develop a mutually beneficial experience Partnership

12 My Individual Curriculum
I identify as an advocate and activist - strong background in advocating for vulnerable populations and interest in practicing in primary care/community health disparities (primed for the Walk With Me course). Also interest in Youtube. Kim told me to check out my patient's Youtube channel - first met Jody through Youtube, watched her videos on life. Congenital Trilaminar Myopathy - she told me was a condition made up basically for her unique case -> manifests as severe scoliosis, limited lung capacity, and other orthopedic problems.  Through Neurology visits, home visits, even shadowing Jody on her work in the Neurology PFAC (heavy doors, handicap parking, wheelchair accessibility). Changing the narrative of disability from one that is about patient's overcoming their illness, to one that embraces the natural diversity of human life. Strong sense of pride in being a part of the disabled community, in living independently, in meeting expectations of a quality of life- modifications that come with it. It's one thing to read about these lessons from a course, but just as my own experiences with Queer and Asian community advocacy are rooted in lived experience, so does this brief introduction into the life of patients who are disabled. Both stigma and societal factors are often at the root of minority disparities and so I'm glad that as a future advocate I was able to have this in-depth exploration from a patient's perspective.


I wanted to highlight this lesson learned in an end-of-year video. We made a Youtube video on how to bake chocolate cookies, using Jody's kitchen, lived my best life as an internet celebrity with Jody. Lastly clinical shadowing component certainly informed my other disparity work with LGBTQ+ populations, through shadowing Dr. Laniakea. Found great similarities between the two aspects of the course, along with the monthly workshops, and was grateful for this early clinical exposure.

15 Moving Forward Build on current success and community support.
Sharing “individualized curricula” across patient-student pairs Promote patient centered curriculum development across the School of Medicine; build national partnerships Highlight once again the partnership that occurred between Jody and me. Jointly setting this agenda to design our individualized curriculum. Then also getting a chance to see and hear from others in the artifact symposium. Engaging with a network of innovators in the medical education space that’s bigger than my patient-partner. Beyond my own patient partner - expanding my healthcare world view. Program in the department of Medicine -> division of primary care and population health. However, strong academic output in family medicine

16 Acknowledgements The Stanford Medicine Teaching and Mentoring Academy
Stanford Health Care Patient and Family Partner Program Our Patient & Family Partners Our Student Partners Our Teaching Team The numerous faculty and community members who have volunteered to speak and provide mentorship in our courses

17 More Questions? Contact us: Bright Zhou, MS
Second Year Medical Student Erika Schillinger, MD Director, Walk With Me Director, Stanford Healthcare Innovations and Experiential Learning Directive (SHIELD) Vice Chief, Education, Primary Care and Population Health Jody Yarborough

18 Environmental Factors Impacting Patient-Centered Care
Walk With Me Timeline FALL QUARTER WINTER QUARTER SPRING QUARTER Environmental Factors Impacting Patient-Centered Care The Patient and Caregiver Journey Change Leadership The Patient Healthcare Experience: Patients & Providers Patient-Driven Goal Setting Behavioral and Social Determinants of Health The Patient’s Online Experience The Role of Primary Care Health System Integration, Care Coordination, and Navigation Joy and Meaning in Practice Policy and Health Care Reform Teamwork and Interprofessional Collaboration Systems Thinking and Health System Improvement 1 1 1 2 2 2 We get to know our pts, explore their perspective, the system as a whole, with Enablers & Barriers to Pt centered care, challenges to navigating, and move into inspiring change leadership, QI Walking with our patients, together, with a Health Systems Science Approach. Training students to think like leaders and change agents AND consider the patient and family perspective from the very first month of medical school. 3 3 3 4

19 Patient and Family Engaged Medical Education
Learning from Real Patients in Authentic Learning Environments

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