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Of Kings and Prophets Exploring the historical and prophetic interactions of the four periods of Israel’s history from the last expansion of territory.

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Presentation on theme: "Of Kings and Prophets Exploring the historical and prophetic interactions of the four periods of Israel’s history from the last expansion of territory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Of Kings and Prophets Exploring the historical and prophetic interactions of the four periods of Israel’s history from the last expansion of territory to the ultimate fall and captivity of both kingdoms

2 Eras of the Fall Relative Peace and Prosperity II Kings 13-16
BCE Relative Peace and Prosperity II Kings 13-16 II Chron. 25 Amos Hosea (part 1) BCE Civil War and Removal II Kings 15-17 II Chron Hosea (Part II) Micah Isaiah (Part I) BCE From Service to Depravity II Kings 18-21 II Chron Isaiah (Part II) BCE All of it Comes to an End II Kings 22-25 II Chron Zephaniah Nahum Jeremiah Eras of the Fall

3 Focus and Styles of Literature
II Kings Written from the monarchy’s point of view Included both Northern Kingdom reigns as well as Judah II Chron. Written from the priestly point of view Only includes Judah’s Kings Prophets Poetry and Prose Amos is one of the best examples Interlaced with historical events Focus and Styles of Literature

4 Geopolitical Dynamics
Assyria Israel alternately fighting Assyria as enemy or attempting to befriend Strong pro and anti Assyrian factions in Judah Ultimately destroyed the Northern Kingdom and repopulated the land Babylon (Chaldeans) Gained strength in the region at the expense of Assyria Appeared in Jerusalem shortly after fall of Northern Kingdom Ultimately led to the destruction and captivity of Judah Egypt After a period of instability arrived late as a potential ally of Judah Defeated by Babylonians at Battle of Carchemish, opening the door to Judah

5 Prophetic Implications
Condemnation of the current spiritual state of the people Regardless of the spiritual reformations underway Consistently referred to as a “return to the Lord” Often with the historical point of view of the departure from Egypt Promise of certain destruction Even in times of relatively strong political success Destruction is a result of the sin of the people Promise of eventual restoration The Lord will restore, save and usher in a new kingdom Serving Him is the only recourse until that occurs

6 Important Considerations
The full history of the nation is clearly understood Prophets point to several previous times in the historical plan of God Amos 9:2-6; Psalm 139:7-10 Relied on writings handed down from the past Annual cycle of feasts and celebrations are expected and known In every case, the Lord’s love is constant All the people need is a heart change

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