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Registration Advice for Third-Year Psyc Majors

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1 Registration Advice for Third-Year Psyc Majors

2 Required courses You have hopefully all completed Psyc 1113/1123, Psyc 2013/2023, and Stats, all with at least a C- If you didn’t get the C- in any of these, you will need to retake them Intro Psyc is available on-line; Math 1223 and Psyc 2013/2023 will be offered here this summer (enrolment permitting) Can transfer in from other institutions (though it is hard to find an equivalent to Psyc 2013/2023 – St. Mary’s and U. of Calgary work) Once you retake a course, the more recent grade replaces the original grade in all GPA calculations Note you will have to take an extra course (on-line, summer course, or overload) to make up the course you’re behind

3 Breadth Requirements Ideally you should have already taken at least one course from each of the following three groups, and received at least a C- Psyc 2113 (Abnormal) OR 2123 (Personality) Psyc 2133 (Physiological) OR 2143 (Cognition) OR 2173 (Sensory Processes) Psyc 2103 (Social) OR 2153 (Developmental) If you haven’t taken a course from any one of these groups yet, take it next year If you didn’t get the C-, you can either retake the same course, or else take a different course from the same group (if you at least passed the first course) If you retake the same course, your GPA improves more, but you are behind a course If you take a different course from the same group, the first course counts as a Science elective (and does count towards your GPA), but you’re not behind a course

4 Other Psychology courses
Straight BA/B.Sc. Psyc major requires you to complete 18 hrs additional Psyc courses, at least 12 hrs of which are at the 3000/4000 level, beyond the Psychology Core (Intro, Stats, RDA, Breadth) Note you have almost certainly completed some of these requirements already, and may possibly even have completed all of them already If you haven’t, complete them next year. Take whichever Psyc courses interest you, will help you in your career, and fit in your schedule You are free to take more Psyc, beyond the minimum requirements, though note there is a limit on how many Psyc courses you can take (i.e., for B.Sc., must take at least 48 hrs non-Psyc; for BA, must take XX hrs. non-Psyc)

5 Other courses: Minors (Arts)
Make sure you take enough courses to complete your minor BA, 24 hrs (i.e., eight 3-hr or one-term courses; no more than 6 hrs at 1000-level) Can be in any Arts subject Can be a multidisciplinary minor; see here for a list: E.g., Environmental Studies; Legal Studies; Women and Gender Studies Can be in a Science or Professional Studies subject, but only with permission of Acting Dean of Arts, Dr. Barry Moody, If you’re having trouble getting courses you need for your minor, talk to the Head in the area; there may be courses that are cross-listed you’re not aware of

6 Minors: Science Make sure you’re taking enough courses to complete your minor Minors in Science are normally 15 hrs (i.e., five one-term courses); no limit on 1000-level courses Can be in any subject, or in the same multidisciplinary subjects as Arts (but requires 18 hrs) May be reduced to 12 hrs if taking Honours, Neuroscience Option, etc., with heavier requirements As long as you’ve taken some courses, till pretty easy to switch if you’re not happy with your current minor Note you don’t have to formally declare your minor; it’s just whatever you’ve taken the most courses in, next to your major

7 Other courses: Arts Beyond Psyc requirements, your minor, and Arts Core requirements, just take enough additional electives to complete your 120 hrs. Note you can only take a maximum of 24 hrs in Professional Studies Browse the listings; take whatever interests you, will help prepare you for your career, and fits your schedule

8 Other courses: Sciences
If you haven’t already done so, take 6 hrs in English OR a second language OR a course with a large writing component (e.g., History, Philosophy, Comparative Religion, WGST) Beyond that, be sure you’ve taken 6 more hrs in Arts, and then 6 more hrs in Arts OR Professional Studies beyond that (can be anything) Make sure you’ve taken enough Science courses to total 72 hrs (includes all your Psyc courses) After that, the rest is open electives (can be anything), to total 120 hrs. Can switch from Arts to Science, or vice versa, by ing Leanna ), but might be too late to get everything in

9 How do Honours or Options affect my course choices?
Be sure you are completing all of the courses you need Honours: Will need 4996 (thesis course), and 4183 (History and Systems), if you haven’t already taken it Do you have a 3000-level lab course? Do you have the B- in all required courses? Options Do you have enough courses from the list? If you haven’t already done so, let Leanna know if you are pursuing an Option (or, if you’ve changed your mind, and now aren’t) You can still change your mind and not do an Option after all; not permanent until you apply to graduate

10 Best advice Be sure to get a PACE to see for sure what you still need to take Get another one after you’ve registered, to make sure everything looks okay

11 Additional advising info?
Advising week will be March There will be times scheduled each day to come talk to a faculty member if you wish. Stop by Leanna’s office (HOR 326) first to get a PACE sheet. It is OPTIONAL to come during advising week; you will all be checked off as advised, and should be free to register whether or not you come to advising week Actual registration begins March 19; most of you will be able to register March 19 Classes do fill up, so plan ahead and register as soon as you can Stay tuned to for additional info; e.g., we are pilot-testing an on-line form to allow you to request a PACE printout, and electronic wait lists for courses Again, GET A PACE, especially after you register, to make sure you are all on track to graduate


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