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Government report calls on Trump to act

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1 Government report calls on Trump to act

2 A government report released Monday in Washington D. C
A government report released Monday in Washington D.C. is sounding an alarm over the threat of climate change, and is suggesting that the government needs to do more. The US government has spent more than $350 billion over the past decade in response to extreme weather and fire events, and the Government Accountability Office report estimated the US would incur far higher costs as the years progress if global emission rates don't go down. In the report, the GAO called on President Donald Trump to use the information to help identify risks posed by climate change and "craft appropriate federal responses." The US has seen billions of dollars in damage from hurricanes and wildfires this year, which experts say climate change exacerbated. Congress, for example, is due this week to consider another multi-billion dollar aid package to help Puerto Rico after it was hit by back-to-back hurricanes. The purpose of the GAO is to provide nonpartisan information to members of Congress. This specific report was requested by and released to a Republican senator and Democratic senator for Congressional use.

3 In Other News For the first time ever, influential British scientist Stephen Hawking's doctoral thesis is available to the public. In honor of Open Access Week, the University of Cambridge on Monday put the 1966 PhD thesis, "Properties of Expanding Universes," on its open access repository. Shortly after it went live, requests to view the research crashed the website. Stephen Hawking is one of the world's most recognizable scientists. "By making my PhD thesis Open Access, I hope to inspire people around the world to look up at the stars and not down at their feet; to wonder about our place in the universe and to try and make sense of the cosmos. Anyone, anywhere in the world should have free, unhindered access to not just my research, but to the research of every great and inquiring mind across the spectrum of human understanding," he said. "Each generation stands on the shoulders of those who have gone before them, just as I did as a young PhD student in Cambridge, inspired by the work of Isaac Newton, James Clerk Maxwell and Albert Einstein.” Hawking's life, including his battle with Lou Gehrig's Disease, was made into a 2014 biopic, "The Theory of Everything.” There are some new details on the attack in Niger that left four US soldiers dead. The 12-member team was on its way back to its operating base when it was attacked by about 50 members of ISIS. The troops didn't call for help for about an hour. French jets arrived about an hour after that. Investigators will focus on why it took them so long to ask for help. The first pitch of the World Series will be thrown this evening in Los Angeles. It'll be about 99 degrees when the L.A. Dodgers host the Houston Astros in Game 1 of the World Series.

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