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Achieving Physical Fitness

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1 Achieving Physical Fitness

2 Health Related Fitness
Physical fitness – healthy condition of the body due to regular physical activity. Health-related fitness – ability of the heart, lungs, muscles, and joints to perform well. There are 5 areas of health-related fitness.

3 1. Muscular Strength The ability to lift, pull, push, kick, and throw objects with force. Example: Lift weights, doing pull-ups on a bar; kicking a soccer ball; throwing a baseball.

4 2. Muscular Endurance The ability to use muscles over an extended period. Example: Pedaling a bicycle for a mile, holding a weight above your head; in-line skating continuously for a long period of time.

5 3. Flexibility Ability to bend and move the body through a full range of motion. Exercise: Touching toes; doing a backbend.

6 4. Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Ability to do activities requiring increased oxygen intake for extended periods. Exercise: Running a mile; swimming laps.

7 5. Healthful Body Composition
High ratio of lean body tissue to fat body tissue. Aerobic exercises.

8 AAU Physical Fitness Test

9 AAU Physical Fitness Test
Required: Endurance Run/Mile Sit-ups Sit and Reach Pull-up/Arm Hang Optional: Standing Long Jump Shuttle Run

10 Name the Fitness Element
There will be more than one element for some activities Hitting a golf ball Swimming 20 laps Playing hockey Serving a tennis ball Jumping rope Shooting 20 baskets Doing a back bend In-line skating for 10 blocks Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Flexibility Cardiorespiratory Endurance

11 Developing Health-Related Fitness
To develop all five areas requires different kinds of exercises. One exercise may develop physical strength while another develops cardiorespiratory endurance. Always include flexibility exercises to move your joints through a range of motion.

12 Exercises that Develop Health-Related Fitness
Isotonic exercise : there is a muscular contraction that causes movement. Example: Weight Lifting Increases muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility.

13 Isometric Exercise Muscles are tightened for five to 10 seconds without movement of body parts. Tightly hold in abdominal muscles, phantom chair, push hands against each other. Improves muscular strength. Builds larger and stronger muscles.

14 Anaerobic Exercise Without oxygen – Use more oxygen then you take in – high intensity workouts . Muscles are eventually filled with waste products – lactic acid. Makes you feel tired and causes muscle pain. Example: Sprinting, swimming quick laps, soccer Improves muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. Doesn’t improve cardiorespiratory endurance.

15 Aerobic Exercise Exercise where oxygen is taken in for at least 20 minutes. Example: running, water/step aerobics, walking Increases cardiorespiratory endurance and increases ratio of lean body tissue to fat body tissue.

16 Anaerobic vs Aerobic

17 Target Heart Rate How hard you need to exercise to give you cardiorespiratory benefits. It is enough to overload & condition the heart, lungs, and muscles but it’s not overly strenuous. Measuring intensity during a workout is done by measuring the heart rate.

18 Estimating Target Heart Rate
________ = ____________________ your age maximum heart rate (MHR) 2. ______ x _________ = _______________ MHR lower target heart rate 3. ______ x _________ = ________________ MHR higher target heart rate 4. Target heart rate range is ______ to _____ beats per minute.

19 Exercise Target Zone Chart

20 Skills-Related Fitness
Ability to perform well in sports and physical activities Agility – move quickly & easily; change direction quickly. Example: tennis, soccer, basketball, shuttle run

21 Skills-Related Fitness
Balance – able to keep from falling. Example: in-line skating, skateboard, skating, surfing, ice skating, bicycling, balance beam.

22 Skills-Related Fitness
Coordination – able to use body and senses together in movement. Hand/eye/foot coordination. Example: baseball have to watch ball and time swing, volleyball time when to contact ball, soccer time when to kick ball.

23 Hand / Eye Coordination???

24 Skills-Related Fitness
Reaction time – how long it takes you to move after you hear, see, feel, or touch a stimulus Example: Signal at start of race, dodging something coming at you.

25 Skills-Related Fitness
Speed – ability to move quickly Example: running to kick a soccer ball, to catch a pass in football, sprinting

26 Skills-Related Fitness
Power – combining strength and speed Example: Throwing a baseball from center field, pole vault, long jump

27 Quiz 1. The ability to lift, pull, push, kick, and throw with force.
2. A high ratio of lean body tissue to fat body tissue. 3. The ability to bend and move the body through a full range of motion. 4. The ability to use muscles over an extended period. 5. The ability to do activities requireing increased oxygen intake for extended periods. 6. Exercise where muscles are tightened for 5-10 seconds without movement. 7. Exercise where there is a muscular contraction that causes movement. 8. Exercise where body’s demand for oxygen is greater than supply. 9. Activity where exercise is taken in for at least 20 minutes.

28 Quiz 10. Ability to combine strength and speed.
11. Ability to perform well in sports and physical activities. 12. Ability of heart, lungs, muscles, and joints to perform well. 13. Healthful condition of the body that is result of regular physical activity. 14. The ability to move quickly and easily, changing direction. 15. The period of time it takes to move after a person hears, sees, feels, or touches a stimulus.

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