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Street Emission Ceilings (SEC) exercise Nicolas Moussiopoulos Aristotle University Thessaloniki Further team members: Dick van den Hout, TNO Liana Kalognomou,

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Presentation on theme: "Street Emission Ceilings (SEC) exercise Nicolas Moussiopoulos Aristotle University Thessaloniki Further team members: Dick van den Hout, TNO Liana Kalognomou,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Street Emission Ceilings (SEC) exercise Nicolas Moussiopoulos Aristotle University Thessaloniki Further team members: Dick van den Hout, TNO Liana Kalognomou, AUT Steinar Larssen, NILU Frank de Leeuw, RIVM Zissis Samaras, AUT/LAT

2 TFIAM - Amiens 2 11-5-04 Objectives Quantifying the influence of urban and local emissions and other smaller scale effects on concentrations at urban hotspots as a basis for measures for attaining compliance. Development and pilot application of a methodology for this purpose, also with relevance to health issues.

3 TFIAM - Amiens 3 11-5-04 Activities in 2003 Review of relevant existing studies (completed) Methodology for the determination of city and street typologies (contd in 2004) Analysis of excess concentrations (PM 10, PM 2.5, NO 2 ) at selected traffic air monitoring stations by comparing with the urban background (contd in 2004) Interpretation of the above analysis in terms of local emission estimates (contd in 2004) Demonstration of model application potential (contd in 2004)

4 TFIAM - Amiens 4 11-5-04 Review of relevant existing studies Literature review including objectives and key findings of the most relevant studies and projects in the areas of: Field campaigns related to source apportionment Resuspension Monitoring data analysis and hotspot characteristics Modelling studies leading to source-receptor relationships Emission patterns in busy streets and associated key parameters

5 TFIAM - Amiens 5 11-5-04 First tentative typology Quantification of Regional background contribution … using EMEP model results Urban background contribution … setting-up a city typology Hotspot contribution … setting-up a street typology

6 TFIAM - Amiens 6 11-5-04 Towards a city typology Key parameters: Population (continuous) Region and local climate: –enclosed / open –West/North; Central; South Type of predominant emission sources: –major industry –no major industry

7 TFIAM - Amiens 7 11-5-04 Towards a street typology Key parameters: Street emission (continuous) Average wind speed nearby: – 3.5 m/s –> 3.5 m/s Configuration: –Open rural terrain –Non-canyon streets in built-up areas –Wide street canyon (W/H > 1.5) –Narrow street canyon (W/H 1.5)

8 TFIAM - Amiens 8 11-5-04 Illustration City typology defining f(pop ) Street typology defining g(emi) 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 20 25 Urban background concentrations 0.00 1.80 0800000 Population Urban background concentration Type C1a Type C1b Type C2a Type C2b Type C3a Type C3b Type C4a Type C4b Type C5a Type C5b Type C6a Type C6b Street concentrations 0.00 1000.00 0800000 Street emission Street concentration Type S1a Type S1b Type S2a Type S2b Type S3a Type S3b Type S4a Type S4b

9 TFIAM - Amiens 9 11-5-04 From concentrations to SECs Concentration in a street of j-th type in a city of i-th type: c(C i,S j ) = c RBG + f i (pop) + g j (emi) Street emission ceiling for this street: SEC ij = G j ( c LV – [c RBG + f i (pop)] )

10 TFIAM - Amiens 10 11-5-04 Analysis of excess concentrations The aim of this subtask is to: contribute to knowledge of (relative) emission factors for vehicles, by comparing PM and NO x concentrations, a.f.o. vehicle distribution in traffic contribute to analysis of the road dust resuspension source, by comparing PM 2.5, PM 10 and NO x concentrations, together with meteo data provide a basis for model-measurement comparisons / model validation.

11 TFIAM - Amiens 11 11-5-04 Analysis of excess concentrations Select station pairs deltaC (hotspot – urban background), –time of day –weekend/working day –season compare deltaC at the various stations, Concentration ratios explain differences in terms of traffic, meteo, strength of resuspension source,..

12 TFIAM - Amiens 12 11-5-04 Progress of data analysis Up to now 6 stations pairs have been analysed: –Hornsgatan, Stockholm –Frankfurter Allee, Berlin –Marylebone Road, London –Ermou,Thessaloniki –Skårersletta, Oslo –Vrsovice, Prague Other possible candidates: –Madrid (though traffic data is still not available) –Paris (as above) –Copenhagen (in collaboration with NERI) –Helsinki

13 TFIAM - Amiens 13 11-5-04 Hornsgatan, Stockholm

14 TFIAM - Amiens 14 11-5-04 Frankfurter Allee, Berlin

15 TFIAM - Amiens 15 11-5-04 Marylebone road, London

16 TFIAM - Amiens 16 11-5-04 Hornsgatan, Delta-ratios summary Red columns: workdays, Blue columns: weekend days

17 TFIAM - Amiens 17 11-5-04 Frankfurter Allee, Delta-ratios summary Red columns: workdays, Blue columns: weekend days

18 TFIAM - Amiens 18 11-5-04 Marylebone road, Delta-ratios summary Red columns: workdays, Blue columns: weekend days

19 TFIAM - Amiens 19 11-5-04 Hornsgatan, Stockholm PM 2.5 /NO x ratios for monthly and hourly data

20 TFIAM - Amiens 20 11-5-04 Marylebone road, London PM 2.5 /NO x ratios for monthly and hourly data

21 TFIAM - Amiens 21 11-5-04 Model application Generalisation method, basis for typology Validation using the data analysis results Preference to practical approaches Expansion to more models and more cities Model intercomparison (Garmisch conference)

22 TFIAM - Amiens 22 11-5-04 SEC Model Intercomparison A pilot intercomparison exercise was launched, results of which will be presented on June 3 at the 9 th Harmonisation Conference, Garmisch. 15 participants Simulations to be performed for the case Hornsgatan, Stockholm for: –the whole year, –one day (27.11.2000) or –one hour (hour 10 of 27.11.2000), depending on the type of model that is chosen for the application. Deadline for the receipt of model results is 15 May.

23 TFIAM - Amiens 23 11-5-04 ETCs own model applications Hornsgatan, Stockholm OSPM using observed background concentrations. Frankfurter Allee, Berlin OSPM using observed background concentrations. Marylebone road, London OSPM using observed background concentrations & Complete model cascade, i.e. City Delta OFIS model results used as urban background concentrations for OSPM.

24 TFIAM - Amiens 24 11-5-04 Hornsgatan, Stockholm, average daily variation NO 2 and PM 2.5 obs (OSPM)

25 TFIAM - Amiens 25 11-5-04 Frankfurter Allee, Berlin NO x, NO 2, CO and PM 10 obs (OSPM)

26 TFIAM - Amiens 26 11-5-04 Frankfurter Allee, Berlin, monthly variation NO x, NO 2, CO and PM 10 obs (OSPM) background

27 TFIAM - Amiens 27 11-5-04 Marylebone road, average daily variation NO x, NO 2, O 3 and CO obs (OSPM)

28 TFIAM - Amiens 28 11-5-04 Marylebone road, NO x, NO 2, O 3 and CO obs (OSPM) - monthly

29 TFIAM - Amiens 29 11-5-04 Model cascade Urban and street scale model coupling using model results for the urban background as input to the street scale model and considering the local scale emissions estimates.

30 TFIAM - Amiens 30 11-5-04 OFIS results - comparison with observed data O3O3 NO 2

31 TFIAM - Amiens 31 11-5-04 Marylebone road, NO x, NO 2, CO and PM 10 mod (OFIS & OSPM) – hourly

32 TFIAM - Amiens 32 11-5-04 Marylebone road, NO x, NO 2, CO and PM 10 mod (OFIS & OSPM) – monthly

33 TFIAM - Amiens 33 11-5-04 Actions in 2004 (1/2) typologyProceed with typology (in particular, using model results within SEC) global analysisPerform a global analysis of measured data data analysisContinue and finalise data analysis concentrating on city delta cities interpretationContinue and finalise interpretation of data analysis results based on emission estimations concentrating on City Delta cities findingsIncorporate findings of City Delta in SEC

34 TFIAM - Amiens 34 11-5-04 Actions in 2004 (2/2) model applicationExpand model application to more model suites (outside the ETC) and more cities model intercomparisonLaunch model intercomparison (on the occasion of the Garmisch conference), investigate option of JRC involvement input to SoERProvide input to SoER by suggesting how the street scale could be taken into account in the IA methodology InteractInteract with various stakeholders

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