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Make a chart depicting the social hierarchy in Latin America.

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Presentation on theme: "Make a chart depicting the social hierarchy in Latin America."— Presentation transcript:

1 Make a chart depicting the social hierarchy in Latin America.
Hint: refer to Chapter 15

2 Why would creoles despise peninsulares? (645)
Why would mulattoes and mestizos be resentful? (645) What else caused Latin America’s rebellions? (Page 646)

3 Hispaniola (Haiti) Sugar Plantations
1798 Toussaint L’Ouverture (former slave) leads rebellion France, Spain, and Britain send armies against rebels 1802 Napoleon captures Toussaint 1804: France surrenders (yellow fever) 1820: Haiti becomes republic

4 Mexico/Central America
Father Miguel Hidalgo: “el Grito de Dolores” Support: mestizos and Native Americans Creoles oppose

5 Mexico/Central America
Father Jose Morelos (mestizo) Abolish slavery, vote to all men 1815: killed

6 Mexico/Central America
1820: Spain has new constitution Agustin de Iturbide: creole 1821: Creoles, mestizos, and Native Americans overthrow Spanish viceroy United Provinces of Central America

7 Venezuela and Gran Columbia
Simon Bolivar: Creole Creates republic in Venezuela (lead to civil wars) Marches across Andes, attack at Bogota (capital of Columbia) “the Liberator”

8 Jose de San Martin Home country: Argentina Creole
Defeats Spanish in Chile

9 Dom Pedro Brazil Peninsulares Emperor of independent Brazil
Accepts constitution

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