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Renaissance Art.

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1 Renaissance Art

2 Before the Renaissance Era there were primarily 3 social levels
Nobility Churchmen Peasants

3 Dark Ages During the earlier times the most important cultural institution was the church and the important learning was theology (study of God). Medieval thinking held that the world was filled with evil temptations. Famine and plague ran rampant (out of control) during this era. Plague could destroy entire villages, killing thousands of people within a very short time period. The most famous plague is the Black Death; it killed 1/3 of the population in Europe. The origin of the plague is unknown, but according to many scientist, it is believed to have been carried through rats.

4 During the Renaissance Era, social structure was changed and a merchant class of people developed.

5 Renaissance thinkers began to emphasize people’s responsibilities and duties to their society, a society that could civilize people rather than make them wicked. The changes in thinking happened gradually, but the influence of the Renaissance impacted and shaped the future, leading to a modern era.

6 The Renaissance Era Between 1400 A.D. to 1600 A.D.
Began in the city states of Italy. Renaissance means “rebirth” in French. Art is reflected back to the classical time of Rome and Greece. This reflection was not limited to art, but also literature, science and architecture.

7 Renaissance Literature
William Shakespeare Sir Walter Ralegh Henry Howard Edmund Spenser

8 William Shakespeare Comedy Tragedy A midsummer Nights Dream
Much Ado About Nothing The Taming of the Shrew Tragedy Romeo & Juliet Hamlet Macbeth King Lear

9 Poets Sir Walter Ralegh Henry Howard Edmund Spenser
Farewell to the Court Song of Myself The Lie Shepherds Calendar The Fairie Queen

10 Renaissance Science Botany- plants Zoology- animals
Astrology- zodiac signs Astronomy- outer space Physiological and Anatomical studies- medical

11 Renaissance Architecture
Classically-Style Columns Geometrically-Perfect Designs Hemispherical Domes

12 Paintings First oil painting on canvas
Three dimensions by use of shadow and light Mythical subjects Nature scenes Differences in proportions (meaning size and location of one thing compared to another) of subject matter

13 Renaissance Artists Leonardo Da Vinci Raphael Michelangelo

14 Leonardo Da Vinci Mona Lisa Last Supper

15 Leonardo Da Vinci Was an architect, musician, engineer, scientist and inventor. He sketched the first parachute, first helicopter, first aero plane, first tank, first repeating rifle, swinging bridge, paddle boat and first motor car during the late 1400’s and early 1500’s. It took him 6 years to complete the Mona Lisa. (Misty backgrounds, used lights in the portraits). No eyebrows on his portraits. When he finished the Mona Lisa, the King of France bought it. Leonardo did not want to part with it so the King let him keep it in his studio until he died in The last supper was painted in 1495; it has become one of the most famous paintings in the world.

16 Raphael The School of Athens
Madonna with Christ and St. John the Baptist

17 Raphael Learned his techniques from Leonardo. He died on his 37th birthday in Raphael put realistic emotions in his paintings, making people think of personality. Beauty and serenity were his greatest emotional themes. Painted several Madonna pictures (Madonna dell Granduca, the small Cowper Madonna, and Alba Madonna.)

18 Michelangelo The Last Judgment Sistine Chapel

19 Michelangelo Began to show interest in art and drawing at the age of 10 and became an apprentice by age 12. He became the pupil of the great sculptor, Donatello. He is the sculptor of the Statue of David. His greatest glory was painting the Sistine chapel which began in 1508 and was completed in 1516 (8 yrs). The painting is the history of the Old Testament including over 300 figures and covered 6000 square feet of the chapel (about 16 classrooms). He lay for hours at a time on a scaffold more than 50 feet in the air with paint dripping into his eyes. 23 years later he painted The Last Judgment located over the alter at the same church as the Sistine chapel. His paintings were all equally proportioned with very good perspective. All of his paintings had a 3-D effect to make his figures stand out from the background.

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