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Affine gaps for sequence alignment

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1 Affine gaps for sequence alignment
Usman Roshan

2 Affine gaps A gap model that captures long insertions and deletions
Useful when aligning transcribed proteins to gene sequences (to account for introns) Gives more accurate alignment than single gap model

3 Affine gaps In the standard model we score a series of k gaps as k*g
We could assign a different cost to k gaps with a function w(k). This results in a cubic algorithm (slower than quadratic Needleman-Wunsch) If we score k gaps as g + e(k-1) we get the affine model and it still has quadratic time. However, it uses three scoring matrices instead of one as in Needleman-Wunsch.

4 Affine gaps In NW we defined V[i][j] to be the score of the optimal alignment of X1…i and Y1...j where X and Y are input DNA sequences Here we define three matrices: M[i][j] = optimal alignment score of X1…i and Y1...j such that Xi is aligned to Yj E[i][j] = optimal alignment score of of X1…i and Y1...j such that gap is aligned to Yj F[i][j] = optimal alignment score of of X1…i and Y1...j such that Xiis aligned to gap. We derive the recurrence like we did for Needleman-Wunsch

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