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Aim: How did Mercantilism effect the economy of colonial America?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How did Mercantilism effect the economy of colonial America?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How did Mercantilism effect the economy of colonial America?
Colonial Economy Colonies provided raw materials Tobacco/rice/lumber Colonists bought English products Salutory Neglect Original English policy Basically ignored colonies, let them run themselves Aim: How did Mercantilism effect the economy of colonial America?

2 Aim: How did Mercantilism effect the economy of colonial America?
Economic system Goal was to set up trading monopoly Colonists not allowed to trade with anyone other than England Unfair trade balance Exports>Imports Turned raw materials into manufactured goods Aim: How did Mercantilism effect the economy of colonial America?

3 Raw Materials to Finished Products
Lumber>>>>>>>>> Furniture/Ships Cotton>>>>>>>>>> Clothes/Textiles Tobacco>>>>>>>>> Cigars/ettes Sugar>>>>>>>>>>> Rum Aim: How did Mercantilism effect the economy of colonial America?

4 Aim: How did Mercantilism effect the economy of colonial America?
Work with a partner Come up with at least 3 positives and negatives for each participant in the mercantile relationship. 7 minutes! Aim: How did Mercantilism effect the economy of colonial America?

5 Aim: How did Mercantilism effect the economy of colonial America?
Mother Country Colony P O S I T I V E S N E G A T I V E S Aim: How did Mercantilism effect the economy of colonial America?

6 Aim: How did Mercantilism effect the economy of colonial America?
Mother Country Colony P O S I T I V E S ↑land ↑population ↑tax base ↑$$$/profit ↑world influence/prestige ↑natural resources Automatic trade partner ↑skilled paying jobs ↑political/religious influence ↑Protection Auto trading partner ↓stress/responsibility N E G A T I V E S Must pay for protection Spreads out army/navy ↑global conflicts ↑chance of revolts ↓rights/freedoms unskilled/lower paying jobs ↓depleted natural resources Forced to trade with England ↑taxes ↓respect Aim: How did Mercantilism effect the economy of colonial America?

7 Aim: How did Mercantilism effect the economy of colonial America?

8 Aim: How did Mercantilism effect the economy of colonial America?
Homework Essay (should be about a page) Should the US force upon itself a mercantilist policy of exporting more than importing. Why or why not? Currently, each month the country imports(buys from overseas) about $40 billion more than it exports (sells overseas) Aim: How did Mercantilism effect the economy of colonial America?

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