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EE 5340 Semiconductor Device Theory Lecture 8 - Fall 2003

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1 EE 5340 Semiconductor Device Theory Lecture 8 - Fall 2003
Professor Ronald L. Carter L 08 Sept 18

2 Ideal n-type Schottky depletion width (Va=0)
r Ex xn qNd x Q’d = qNdxd x xn -Em d (Sheet of negative charge on metal)= -Q’d L 08 Sept 18

3 Ideal metal to n-type Schottky (Va > 0)
qVa = Efn - Efm Barrier for electrons from sc to m reduced to q(fbi-Va) qfBn the same (data - p.166) DR smaller Eo qcs qfm q(fi-Va) qfs,n qfBn Ec EFm EFn EFi Ev Depl reg qf’n L 08 Sept 18

4 Effect of V  0 L 08 Sept 18

5 Schottky diode capacitance
r qNd Q’d = qNdxn dQ’ x -Q-dQ xn Ex xn x -Em L 08 Sept 18

6 Schottky Capacitance (continued)
The junction has +Q’n=qNdxn (exposed donors), and Q’n = - Q’metal (Coul/cm2), forming a parallel sheet charge capacitor. L 08 Sept 18

7 Schottky Capacitance (continued)
This Q ~ (i-Va)1/2 is clearly non-linear, and Q is not zero at Va = 0. Redefining the capacitance, L 08 Sept 18

8 Schottky Capacitance (continued)
So this definition of the capacitance gives a parallel plate capacitor with charges dQ’n and dQ’p(=-dQ’n), separated by, L (=xn), with an area A and the capacitance is then the ideal parallel plate capacitance. Still non-linear and Q is not zero at Va=0. L 08 Sept 18

9 Schottky Capacitance (continued)
The C-V relationship simplifies to L 08 Sept 18

10 Schottky Capacitance (continued)
If one plots [Cj]-2 vs. Va Slope = -[(Cj0)2Vbi]-1 vertical axis intercept = [Cj0]-2 horizontal axis intercept = fi Cj-2 Cj0-2 Va fi L 08 Sept 18

11 Profiling dopants in a Schottky diode
qNd Q’d = qNdxn dQ’ x -Q-dQ xn Ex xn x -Em L 08 Sept 18

12 Arbitrary doping profile
If the net donor conc, N = N(x), then at xd, the extra charge put into the DR when Va->Va+dVa is dQ’=-qN(xn)dx The increase in field, dEx =-(qN/e)dx, by Gauss’ Law (at xn, but also const). So dVa=-xndEx= (W/e) dQ’ Further, since qN(xn)dx = -dQ’metal, we have the dC/dx as ... L 08 Sept 18

13 Arbitrary doping profile (cont.)
L 08 Sept 18

14 Ideal metal to n-type Schottky (Va > 0)
qVa = Efn - Efm Barrier for electrons from sc to m reduced to q(fbi-Va) qfBn the same DR decr Eo qcs qfm q(fi-Va) qfs,n qfBn Ec EFm EFn EFi Ev Depl reg qf’n L 08 Sept 18

15 Ideal m to n s/c Schottky diode curr
L 08 Sept 18

16 Metal to n-type non-rect cont (fm<fs)
n-type s/c No disc in Eo Ex=0 in metal ==> Eo flat fB,n=fm - cs = elec mtl to s/c barr fi= fBn-fn< 0 Accumulation region Eo qcs qfm qfs,n qfi qfB,n Ec EFm EFn EFi Ev qfn Acc reg L 08 Sept 18

17 Metal to n-type accum region (fm<fs)
L 08 Sept 18

18 Metal to s/c contact resistance
L 08 Sept 18

19 Energy bands for p- and n-type s/c
p-type n-type Ec Ev Ec EFi EFN qfn= kT ln(Nd/ni) EFi qfP= kT ln(ni/Na) EFP Ev L 08 Sept 18

20 Making contact in a p-n junction
Equate the EF in the p- and n-type materials far from the junction Eo(the free level), Ec, Efi and Ev must be continuous N.B.: qc = 4.05 eV (Si), and qf = qc + Ec - EF Eo qc (electron affinity) qf (work function) Ec EF EFi qfF Ev L 08 Sept 18

21 Band diagram for p+-n jctn* at Va = 0
Ec qVbi = q(fn - fp) qfp < 0 EFi Ec EFP EFN Ev EFi qfn > 0 *Na > Nd -> |fp| > fn Ev p-type for x<0 n-type for x>0 x -xpc -xp xn xnc L 08 Sept 18

22 Band diagram for p+-n at Va=0 (cont.)
A total band bending of qVbi = q(fn-fp) = kT ln(NdNa/ni2) is necessary to set EFp = Efn For -xp < x < 0, Efi - EFP < -qfp, = |qfp| so p < Na = po, (depleted of maj. carr.) For 0 < x < xn, EFN - EFi < qfn, so n < Nd = no, (depleted of maj. carr.) -xp < x < xn is the Depletion Region L 08 Sept 18

23 Depletion Approximation
Assume p << po = Na for -xp < x < 0, so r = q(Nd-Na+p-n) = -qNa, -xp < x < 0, and p = po = Na for -xpc < x < -xp, so r = q(Nd-Na+p-n) = 0, -xpc < x < -xp Assume n << no = Nd for 0 < x < xn, so r = q(Nd-Na+p-n) = qNd, 0 < x < xn, and n = no = Nd for xn < x < xnc, so r = q(Nd-Na+p-n) = 0, xn < x < xnc L 08 Sept 18

24 Depletion approx. charge distribution
+Qn’=qNdxn +qNd [Coul/cm2] -xp x -xpc xn xnc -qNa Charge neutrality => Qp’ + Qn’ = 0, => Naxp = Ndxn Qp’=-qNaxp [Coul/cm2] L 08 Sept 18

25 Induced E-field in the D.R.
The sheet dipole of charge, due to Qp’ and Qn’ induces an electric field which must satisfy the conditions Charge neutrality and Gauss’ Law* require that Ex = 0 for -xpc < x < -xp and Ex = 0 for -xn < x < xnc h 0 L 08 Sept 18

26 Induced E-field in the D.R.
Ex p-contact N-contact O - O + p-type CNR n-type chg neutral reg O - O + O - O + Exposed Acceptor Ions Depletion region (DR) Exposed Donor ions W x -xpc -xp xn xnc L 08 Sept 18

27 Induced E-field in the D.R. (cont.)
Poisson’s Equation E = r/e, has the one-dimensional form, dEx/dx = r/e, which must be satisfied for r = -qNa, -xp < x < 0, and r = +qNd, 0 < x < xn, with Ex = 0 for the remaining range L 08 Sept 18

28 Soln to Poisson’s Eq in the D.R.
Ex -xp xn x -xpc xnc -Emax L 08 Sept 18

29 Test 1 - 25Sept03 8 AM Room 206 Activities Building
Open book - 1 legal text or ref., only. You may write notes in your book. Calculator allowed A cover sheet will be included with full instructions. See for examples from Fall 2002. L 08 Sept 18

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