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Brain Size Brain size has increased threefold in the last 3 million years.

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Presentation on theme: "Brain Size Brain size has increased threefold in the last 3 million years."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brain Size Brain size has increased threefold in the last 3 million years.

2 Social Intelligence OOne cause for greater brain size:
ssocial intelligence: the ability to process information about the behavior of others and to react adaptively to their behavior. Aas group size grows, so do complexities Pprimates live in social groups that are more complex than those of other animals

3 Social Intelligence One ability that would have conferred a great advantage to survival and reproduction is the ability to predict other individuals’ behavior. “The world of higher primates – of monkeys, apes, and humans – is quintessentially a game of social chess, a keen intellectual challenge. The challenge is keener yet than the ancient board game itself, because the pieces not only unpredictably change identity – knights becoming bishops, pawns becoming castles, and so on – they occasionally switch colors to become the enemy…” (Leaky and Lewin 1992)

4 We use this folk psychology all the time, to explain and predict each other’s behavior; we attribute beliefs and desires to each other with confidence – and quite unselfconsciously – and spend a substantial portion of our waking lives formulating the world – not excluding ourselves – in these terms. …Every time we venture out on the highway, for example, we stake our lives on the reliability of our general expectations about the perceptual beliefs, normal desires and decision proclivities of the other motorists. We find…that it is a theory of great generative power and efficiency. For instance, watching a film with a highly original plot, we see the hero smile at the villain and we all swiftly and effortlessly arrive at the same complex theoretical diagnosis: “Aha!” we conclude (but perhaps not consciously), “He wants her to think he doesn’t know she intends to defraud her brother!” Dennett (1987)

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