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Non-verbal classroom cues

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1 Non-verbal classroom cues
New P.S. 80 Common Language Voice Scale Break corner Non-verbal classroom cues Turn it around Body bubble Quiet transitions

2 Outside Voice/ Presentation Voice Classroom Voice/ Talking
Voice Scale 5-Point Scale: Voice Scale is a visual rubric for voice volume; used in the classrooms to help children regulate their voice according to the context 5 Emergency Only (Yell) 4 Outside Voice/ Presentation Voice 3 Classroom Voice/ Talking 2 Soft Voice/Group Work 1 Quiet Mouth/ Whisper

3 Break Corner Set a timer Sit or lay on a bean bag/ pillow
Squeeze a toy Read a book Take deep breaths Quietly come back to the group when the timer is finished

4 May I use the bathroom

5 Water Please

6 Turn it Around- If a child is continually engaging in unexpected behavior, or having difficulty following directives, he/she can be encouraged with this term, such as, “I know you can turn it around” or ‘Never too late to…” Turn It Around!

7 Body Bubble Body Bubble- This term is used to define “personal space”. Children are instructed to “stay in their own body bubble” (keeping body, hands, feet to self) Can monitor through outstretched arms.

8 Learning Positions “Learning Positions” encourages children to “listen with their whole body”. Developed from ‘Give Me 5’: eyes on the speaker, ears listening, mouth quiet, hands down, and body calm.

9 Tissue Please

10 Remember to Transition
Quickly & Quietly!

11 Student Self Regulation
Signal to teacher when overwhelmed ​Use words when upset ​Keep hands to yourself (Keep hands away from other children when upset) ​Learn to go to a quiet area independently when needing to calm down ​Go to an adult to ask for help when transitions or peer negotiations are difficult

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