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Adaptations and Mutations

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Presentation on theme: "Adaptations and Mutations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptations and Mutations
Genetic Success Adaptations and Mutations

2 Natural Selection Adaptation Mutation Mutagen Cancer Carcinogen
OUTCOME QUESTION(S): S1-1-08: What are some ways plants and animals improve their chance to reproduce? S1-1-15: How can lifestyle choices affect your genetics and development? Vocabulary & Concepts  Natural Selection Adaptation Mutation Mutagen Cancer Carcinogen

3 Natural selection is the gradual process of traits becoming more common in a population because the traits may improve reproductive success of organisms in an environment. (It is a key mechanism of evolution) Luck and timing has something to do with it too…

4 Think of traits that have evolved to help an organism (including humans) survive its environment and reproduce.

5 disadvantage : no offspring
Anything that gives you an advantage will help you pass that positive trait on to offspring disadvantage : no offspring

6 “Only The Strong Survive”
Adaptation: a naturally selected trait that enhances reproductive success. Can be physical or behavioural How would big tail feathers make him more successful? How would they make him less successful?

7 Examples of Adaptations
Behavioural caring for young mating calls dances fighting Physical colours / camouflage size / shape pheromones multiple offspring Those best able to modify their behavior or those with positive alleles that improve their survival and reproductive success pass on these traits to future offspring

8 Mutation: A mistake or error resulting in an incorrect DNA sequence with parts lost, changed or mixed. Gene mutation: change in an individual gene or segment Chromosomal mutation: changes in total number present Common Gene Mutations

9 Natural causes of mutation: Spontaneous copying or separation error
Aging Obesity and poor diet Environmental causes of mutation: Exposure to chemicals/toxins called mutagens ~ pollution, pesticides, tobacco, alcohol, food additives… Exposure to ionizing radiation (UV, X-rays) Infection by some viruses Gamete mutation: can be passed on Somatic (body cell) mutation: not passed on

10 Somatic cells mutate once every 3 billion reproductions
Genetic mutations are common but very rarely are they serious mutations: Usually recessive and masked by dominant allele Usually insignificant in the effect on the body Somatic cells mutate once every 3 billion reproductions

11 Gene and/or Chromosomal Disorders
Down Syndrome Heart Disease Turner’s Syndrome Diabetes Huntington's Disease Cancer Cystic Fibrosis Tourette Syndrome Sickle-cell Anemia Lupus Some develop from multiple mutations and environmental causes making them difficult to study and treat

12 Cancer A mutation that affects cell division:
causing spontaneous, uncontrolled division. May involve inherited gene mutations Caused by exposure to environmental mutagens mutagen that triggers cancer - carcinogen A normal cell has “detectors” that tell it when to stop replicating or when it is somewhere it should not be

13 Quickly dividing mutated cells create a cancerous tumour.
Genes controlling cell division are particularly susceptible to mutations. Quickly dividing mutated cells create a cancerous tumour.


What are some ways plants and animals improve their chance to reproduce? S1-1-15: How can lifestyle choices affect your genetics and development? Vocabulary & Concepts  Natural Selection Adaptation Mutation Mutagen Cancer Carcinogen

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