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Study notes and complete Study Island

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1 Study notes and complete Study Island
Unit Test Friday Study notes and complete Study Island Register Remote The growth of Canada’s cities has had a negative impact on the environment. What is Canada doing to reduce air pollution? Canada does not use fossil fuels and generate its power from alternate sources Canadians living in urban areas use bicycles instead of cars to get around. Canada signed an agreement with the United States to reduce acid rain and smog. Canadians have clear-cut forest to build energy-efficient houses. Learning Target: *I can locate the political-physical features of Canada on a map. *I can explain the impact of location, climate, natural resources and population distribution in Canada *I can discuss and explain the environmental issues in Canada

2 The main industry of the Canadian Shield region is Forestry Fishing
Tourism Mining Learning Target: *I can locate the political-physical features of Canada on a map. *I can explain the impact of location, climate, natural resources and population distribution in Canada *I can discuss and explain the environmental issues in Canada

3 Pre-Reading:
We are studying Canada, what does this article have to do with Canada? During Reading : Visual Imagery- students will pause after reading each paragraph and talk with their partner about the mental images they thought about while reading. After Reading: Answer the quiz questions with your partner. Then use padlet to answer the following question: Write a short paragraph that explains the central idea of the article. Use at least two details from the article to support your response. 5 to 7 sentences Learning Target: *I can locate the political-physical features of Canada on a map. *I can explain the impact of location, climate, natural resources and population distribution in Canada *I can discuss and explain the environmental issues in Canada

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