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Beijing-Dublin International College

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1 Beijing-Dublin International College
Professor David FitzPatrick Provost, Beijing-Dublin International College

2 BDIC - Origins 2009: UCD Senior Delegation (President Brady)
2011 2012 2013 2016 2017 2018 2009: UCD Senior Delegation (President Brady) Guangzhou – Shenzhen – Beijing – Harbin – Shanghai 2011: Beijing-Dublin Twin Cities 2012: UCD-BJUT - BDIC Agreement MoE Programme approval Student recruitment

3 BDIC – official contract signing
2009 2011 2012 2013 2016 2017 2018 BDIC Contract signing: 19th Feb 2012

4 BDIC –Timeline 2011 Initial concept proposal 2012
February Formal contract signing March Chinese MoE application July Chinese MoE approval September 24 students admitted to BDIC Three programmes in place 2016 March Contract & MoE renewal July First graduating class Four programmes in place

5 BDIC & Irish culture 2016-2018 – BDIC GAA: 1976 2002 2009 2011 2012
2013 2016 2017 2018 – BDIC GAA: Apart from Irish Dancing – the GAA Football activity has been the one with mist success/engagement. BDIC team(s) have taken part in China Games, Asian Games and the 2016 World Games hosted in Dublin – the first all-Chinese team to play in Ireland (40 years after UCD Soccer team played in China!). We have drawn on the support and goodwill from Beijing GAA to help with coaching, attending events/matches and have even received some funding towards equipment – that we share with Beijing GAA. Drawing on the Irish diaspora is something that we hope to do more of but invitations to engage are usually very positively received.

6 BDIC - Measuring success ?
Student numbers 2012/13 – 24 students 2018/19 – 1,100 students Faculty & Staff recruitment 2012/13 – 0 FTE 2018/19 – 30 FTE Student Mobility BDIC to UCD ~ 45 u/g & p/g per year. UCD to BDIC – 2 in 2017/18; 6 in 2018/19 Market Awareness & Reputation


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