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Contents Timeline of the project (since September 2017) Quick facts

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1 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

2 Contents Timeline of the project (since September 2017) Quick facts
Response rates Sample and quality Communication Implementation of the guidelines Conclusions Future Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

3 Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 September 2017–June 2018
September–November 2017 – data collection (CAWI, CATI and CAPI) December–January 2016/2017 – data validation, weighting and grossing up February 2018 – calculation of the mobility indicators February analysis of the survey results April 2018 – analysis of the survey results performed by external expert in the sector May 2018 – preparation of the final report October 2018 – dissemination of the survey results, seminar Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

4 Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Quick facts
Title of survey Mobility Survey of Latvian Population 2017 Year 2017 (September–December) Periodicity Not specified (previous NTS was conducted in 2008, but using different methodology) Responsible organisation NSI – Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Aim Acquisition of information on inhabitants of Latvia aged 15–84 about their trips made in the reference day Survey scope/ information collected Person is included in the share of trip-makers if on an average day he/she makes any type of trip leaving his/her residence for any of the motives listed in the general terminology section. Min. distance – 0.1 km (100 m) Sample size 11 thousand individuals Reference population 1.6 million Budget ~ EUR Duration months Staff ~ 20 part-time employees + CAPI interviewers Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

5 Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Response rate – 61.2%
CATI – 19.6% CAPI – 36.5% CAWI – 5.1% Why so low? too short (two weeks and few days); postal service delays (letter and reminder card); is data input software/ CAWI user-friendly? Good experience Very few English CAWI questionnaires were filled in. Key factor – well-trained interviewers! Average length of interview – 30 minutes; Interviewer can facilitate form completion and improve quality of collected data – by suggesting addresses, distances using Google Maps etc. Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

6 Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Response rates by age group
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7 Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Response rates by days and urbanity
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8 Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Urban and non-urban areas of Latvia
Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

9 Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Response rates by migration zone
Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

10 Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Sample and quality – coefficient of variation (CV)
All Days Urban mobility <100 km Total mobility <300 km Number of trips By passenger car as driver 3.04 2.25 as passenger 5.79 4.07 By taxi (as passenger) 25.45 24.86 By motorcycle and moped 48.34 41.09 By bus and coach 4.58 3.95 By trolleybus 7.96 By tram 8.27 By train 12.08 11.44 Waterways 99.36 57.80 Cycling 10.88 7.80 Walking 2.91 2.23 Other 48.98 22.56 Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

11 Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Communication
Official letter; Informative pamphlet; Pamphlet with examples for interviewers; Press release published on the NSI website and sent to media list; Reminder postcard; Data input software in three languages; Special treatment of CAWI respondents (personal s inviting to specify, continue or expressing gratitude); Toll-free lines (800+) during CAWI period; Survey slogan – Your completed questionnaire is very important as it is representing a large part of Latvian population. Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

12 Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Communication – pamphlet
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13 Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Communication – interviewer pamphlet
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14 Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Communication– publicity and reactions
Publicity was good (major news websites, regional newspapers); Informative and good quality news story informing about the survey in TV news on TV3; Reaction on Twitter from a younger generation respondent: «Filled in CSB Latvia e-survey. Was not tragic. It’s a pleasure that our State can!» Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

15 Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Communication
Statistics of toll-free lines (800+) and CAWI (2–3 survey experts consulting and doing data input from 8:30AM–8:00PM) Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

16 Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Communication
Statistics of toll-free lines (800+) Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

17 Implementation of guidelines Data validation steps
1st validation step – conversion of addresses to address codes, harmonization of purposes for outbound and inbound trips, other incoherencies (around 5000 corrections submitted – time- and personnel-consuming activity); 2nd validation step – correction/ comparison of distances with GPS coordinates, imputation of distances travelled by public transport (almost the same amount of corrections submitted). Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

18 Implementation of guidelines Data validation – correction rates by survey methods
Questionnaires Variables CAPI 76% 19% CATI 78% 21% CAWI 88% 17% Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

19 Implementation of guidelines Variables
Basic variables (2016 proposal): Additional variables (guidelines, etc.): Purpose of the trip; Mode of transport for a stage (min, km); Vehicle occupancy; Type of petrol used by passenger cars. Reasons for not making trips; Distance (min, km) walked during the 1st stage (<>100 m); Distance (min, km) walked during the final stage (<>100 m); Reasons for using passenger car, taxi, motorcycle; Waiting time; Address of the origin and destination; Duration of the trip (departure, arrival). Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

20 Implementation of guidelines Variables – address of origin and destination
State Address Register; Challenge – «manual analysis» of each trip and conversion of non-structured textual information into an address code; Solution – use of classification of addresses and objects and/or Google Maps? Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

21 Implementation of guidelines Variables – foot as first and final stage of the trip
Sometimes respondents are confused about the routing for this question; Results – starting/ final stage of the trip in ~11% of trips is longer than 100 m (0.6 km on average taking 9 min). Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

22 Implementation of guidelines Variables – Urban Audit (Eurostat)
Good comparison with other European countries and other variables from Mobility Statistics; Share of journeys to work made by car Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

23 Implementation of guidelines Variables – Urban Audit (Eurostat)
Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

24 Implementation of guidelines Variables – medium and long distance mobility
Passenger mobility indicators by distance classes Medium distance mobility Long distance mobility One-day Overnight Survey type + survey period + data collection period Continuous household survey of Personal and Professional trips of Latvian residents, quarterly summaries, Mobility of Latvian population in 2017, 2. Number of trips per person/per year a) Total 1.60 1.07 0.02 0.85 0.57 0.66 NA 0.47 3. Travel distance per person/per year (km)/ Average distance per trip 883.5 786.9 59.9 391.0 801.6 4. Travel time per person/ Total number of overnight stays 261.2 5. Passenger kilometers (pkm) for all reference population/ year 6. Average vehicle occupancy For passenger car and taxi 2.10 2.40 1.50 1.80 1.99 1.59 0.00 1.84 Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

25 Tourism Demand Survey:
Implementation of guidelines Variables – medium and long distance mobility Variables in Tourism Demand Survey: Adjustments required: source: Tourism Demand Survey (Regulation No 692/2011 of concerning European statistics on tourism); addition of trip coordinates; calculation of the distances; calculation of mobility variables. number of same-day trips around Latvia; number of overnight trips around Latvia; number of same-day trips abroad; number of overnight trips abroad; mode of transport (passenger car, bus and coach, train, aviation, waterways, cycling, walking and other); travel purpose (professional or personal); address of respondent; CATTU (Classification of Administrative Territories and Territorial Units of the Republic of Latvia) of destination of trip; number of persons in the trip (passenger cars); country of destination of foreign trips. Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

26 Implementation of guidelines Variables – medium and long distance mobility
Possible quality improvements: In respect to the foreign trips an additional variable to the country should be added – city (to get a more precise estimate of a distance travelled); In respect to the passenger cars a variable – type of fuel – should be collected. Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

27 Results Mobility of Latvian population in 2017
Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

28 Results *Denominator – respective group
Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

29 Results *Denominator – respective group
Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

30 Results *Denominator – respective group
Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

31 Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Data analysis performed by Pricewaterhouse Coopers Latvia
2.51 – the highest number of trips per day is for escorting purpose (school, station, doctor…); 44 km – the average distance per day for passenger car users; 19% - sustainable transport (public tr., clean fuel cars, active modes, multi-modal tr.) passengerkilometres of total pkm per year; 70% - time economy and personal comfort were the dominating reasons for using passenger car in short trips; In Riga, number of trips by foot = trips by car (year); Bicycle trips are more prominent in Riga, compared to other places. Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

32 Conclusions/ recommendations View of data users and experts
Inclusion of country-specific leisure activities (atypical distances in time); Inclusion of loop trips in ponds, lakes (mainly fishing trips); The minimum distance – 100 metres; Distance not collected but imputed from the address coordinates. Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

33 Conclusions/ recommendations View of data users/experts
Commercial mobility; Waiting time (e.g. plane, private transport); More detailed breakdown of trips abroad; Mobile population abroad on the reference day; Mode of transport – private and public coaches separated. Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

34 Conclusions New variable
Reasons for using car, taxi or motorcycle (in short trips made in all days, million) Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

35 Future plans and challenges
It would be useful to have a repeated survey and have comparisons of data; Publication of data (seminar, database), which variables?; Smartphone functionality covers ~70% of the data collected within the survey; Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

36 Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Fun facts
Use of social networks: CATI: address of a workplace of respondent is found on Facebook (shown publicly) because respondent refuses to say it during the interview (refuse to disclose private information); CAWI corrections: destination country found on Facebook after respondent shared photos and check-ins with location information (long distance mobility trip half-completed). Survey completion is not a problem also for famous people or high-level state officials; Respondents typically forget to report trips when returning home (literally meaning, they stayed at work or shop overnight); It is typical to report distances 2x longer than in reality. Mobility of Latvian population in 2017 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

37 Questions, comments welcomed!
Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics and Road Traffic 11/10/2018

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