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Pray Without Ceasing - Lesson 1 Lesson 1

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Presentation on theme: "Pray Without Ceasing - Lesson 1 Lesson 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pray Without Ceasing - Lesson 1 Lesson 1

2 Introduction 1 Th. 5:17 How is this possible?
How do we fulfill the command of this verse?

3 I. What Does It Mean To Pray?
Pray Without Ceasing - Lesson 1 I. What Does It Mean To Pray? 1. Prayer is a child speaking with his father Mt. 6:9 Mt. 7:11 Prayer

4 I. What Does It Mean To Pray?
2. Prayer is seeking We are often faced with making hard decisions in life We should pray that we find what is best-that we make the right decision Mt. 7:7-8

5 I. What Does It Mean To Pray?
3. Prayer is dependence Prayer for the Christian is the first resort and not the last Jesus prayed often while here upon the earth

6 I. What Does It Mean To Pray?
4. We should have set times for prayer We can and should be ready to pray at any time We could have a brief one sentence prayer in time of need

7 I. What Does It Mean To Pray?
5. We must submit to the will of God Mt. 26:39 Js. 4:3

8 Conclusion Prayer offers us life, comforts and soothes us, gives us hope and assurance Ps. 46:1 Jn. 14:14

9 Pray Without Ceasing - Lesson 1 Lesson 2

10 Introduction 1 Th. 5:17 How is this possible?
How do we fulfill the command of this verse?

11 II. What Does It Mean To Pray Without Ceasing?
It does not mean to always be praying One must study the Bible, work, eat, spend time with family, worship

12 II. What Does It Mean To Pray Without Ceasing?
1. It means prayer should be habitual Most people have 3 meals a day-we eat without ceasing-that is, we eat on a regular basis 1 Tim. 4:3 Js. 1:17

13 II. What Does It Mean To Pray Without Ceasing?
“Prayer must be habitual, but it must not become just a habit.” Ancil Jenkins

14 II. What Does It Mean To Pray Without Ceasing?
2. We must pray with importunity-which means to pray with persistence Lk. 11:8

15 II. What Does It Mean To Pray Without Ceasing?
3. We must live in such a way as to be ready always to pray Proverbs 1:24-26, 28

16 II. What Does It Mean To Pray Without Ceasing?
4. It also means that we can pray boldly Mt. 7:11 Mt. 21:22 Mk. 9:23 1 Jn. 5:14

17 II. What Does It Mean To Pray Without Ceasing?
The size of your God determines the size of your prayer request. The size of your prayer request determines the size of your answer ---author unknown

18 Conclusion Obeying the command to pray without ceasing is not impossible It does require effort and concentration

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