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Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming.

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Presentation on theme: "Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming

2 What is the Greenhouse Effect?
Rise in Earth’s temperature By certain atmospheric gases That trap the Sun’s energy

3 Examples of Heat Trapping Gases
Water vapor (H2O) Carbon dioxide (CO2) Nitrous oxide (N2O) Methane (CH4)

4 Why are the Gases Important?
Heat would escape back into space Earth’s temperature would be 60ºF colder Makes Earth suitable for life

5 Greenhouse Effect Examples:
Trap heat from sun Glass lets in light Glass keeps heat from escaping Causes greenhouse to heat up

6 Greenhouse Effect Examples:
Car Parked in Sunlight Glass lets in light Glass keeps heat from escaping Causes the car to heat up

7 Process of the Greenhouse Effect

8 Process of the Greenhouse Effect
Sun’s energy passes through atmosphere 26% is reflected or scattered 19% absorbed by clouds, gases, and particles 4% reflected to space by surface 51% reaches the surface

9 What is the Energy Used for?
Heating of the ground Melting of ice and snow Evaporation of water Plant photosynthesis

10 Possible Causes of the Greenhouse Effect
Deforestation and agriculture Burning of fossil fuels, gasoline, oil Burning of wood and coal CFC’s Population Growth

11 A Better Look...

12 Why is it Dangerous? Global Warming Endangered Species Climate Change

13 What is Global Warming? Heat trapped inside Earth
General warming effect created Increase in air and ocean temperatures Vital issue in society

14 Causes of Global Warming
Greenhouse gases increase through human activity Deforestation Use of fertilizers Burning of organic matter Burning of fossil fuels

15 Consequences of Global Warming
Climate changes Changes in wildlife adaptations and cycles Melting of polar ice caps Increase in sea level Flooding in coastal areas Ocean Acidification

16 More Consequences Species becoming endangered/extinct Heavy drought
Spread of disease Rise in tides Change in weather patterns

17 Future Outlook of Glabal Warming
Natural resources depleted Need balance between environment and industry Greenhouse gas emissions reduced by 80%

18 What Can We Do to Help? Reforestation Personal Actions Climate Policy

19 Any Question?

20 Quiz Overview Put notes away Pull out a sheet of paper
Answer the following questions Describe the greenhouse effect List the possible causes of greenhouse effect List the possible causes of global warming List the consequences of global warming

21 Picture References All pictures were taken from Microsoft clipart except the ones shown. The two pictures below were taken from: United States Enviromental Protection Agency. (2006, October 23). Greenhouse Effect... Retrieved September 27, 2009, from United States Enviromental Protection Agency website: The picture below was taken from: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. ( ). Cycles of the Earth and Atmosphere: A Website for Teachers. Retrieved September 27, 2009, from University Corporation for Atmospheric Research website: The picture below was taken from: Nave, C. (2005). Hyperphysics: Greenhouse Effect. Retrieved September 27, 2009, from Georgia State University website:

22 Text References D'Silva, R. (2007, April 28). Causes of the Greenhouse Effect. Retrieved September 27, 2009, from website: Nave, C. (2005). Hyperphysics: Greenhouse Effect. Retrieved September 27, 2009, from Georgia State University website: Pidwirny, M., Dr. (2006). The Greenhouse Effect. Retrieved September 27, 2009, from Fundamentals of Physical Geography, 2nd Edition website: United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2006, October 23). Greenhouse Effect... Retrieved September 27, 2009, from United States Environmental Protection Agency website: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. ( ). Cycles of the Earth and Atmosphere: A Website for Teachers. Retrieved September 27, 2009, from University Corporation for Atmospheric Research website:

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