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2 STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE QUEEN to PRINCESS Facilitator: Welcome!
You have chosen to attend today’s Officer Training because you want to learn more about Daughters of the Nile. When you are an Officer in a Temple, you are the person the members look to for guidance and authority. You must be able to answer all of the members’ questions. Are you expected to memorize all of the rules, regulations and procedures of Daughters of the Nile? (Pause) No. It is okay to say “I don’t know, but I will find out and get back to you.” Just be sure to follow up with the information. It is important to know where to find the answers. There are many resources available. When you become familiar with these books, you will gain the confidence to become a respected and successful leader! to PRINCESS

Facilitator: Step 3 in the “Step-by-Step Guide: Princess to Queen” is titled, “I Know What to Do, but How and When Do I Do It?” In this Officer Training, we will learn about what is contained in the Manual of Procedures. .

4 What is in the Green Binder?
Bylaws Protocol Manual of Procedures Facilitator: Today we are looking at the section marked Manual of Procedures. The Manual of Procedures provides information for any member or Temple Officer by explaining the procedures to follow in order to fulfill the obligations imposed by the Supreme Temple Bylaws (Part I), the Subordinate Temple Bylaws (Part II), and the Supreme Temple Protocol. The Bylaws tell us WHAT and the Manual of Procedures tell us HOW and WHEN. Let us look at the Index.

5 Alphabetical Index MANUAL OF PROCEDURES CONTENT/INDEX SECTION PAGE Annual Session XV M-132 All Annual Session Registered Members Shall Receive………………………………………….. … X.V. D M-134 Amendments with Previous Notice……… XV. A M-132 Changes to Ritual, Protocol, Manual of Procedures, and Board Manual……………………… XV. B M-132 Flag/Banner Escort Accessories……………………… XV. E M-134 Meet the Candidates Forum…………… XV. C M-132 Clubs…………………………………………………………… XIII M-129 Committees and Duties……………………………………… IX M-108 Bylaws……………………………………………………………. IX. A M-108 Finance………………………………………………………… IX. B M-109 Financial Review………………………………………….… IX. C M-109 Hospital Requests/Sewing………………… … IX. D M-113 My Gift Program…………………………………………… IX. E M-114 Duties of Officers……………………………………………… VI M-55 Queen…………………………………………………………… VI. A M-55 General Duties…………………………………….…... …… VI. A. 1. M-55 Balloting…………………………………………… VI. A M-57 Ceremonial of Initiation……………………… VI. A M-58 Clubs…………………………………………………………… VI. A M-60 Crown Disposal…………………………………………… X. B.13.d. M-117 Crown Wearing…………………………..……………… VI. A. 1.b. M-55 Crown Wearing – Units……………………………… XII A M-127 Election Procedure……………………………….…… VI. A M-62 End-of-Year Duties…………………………………… VI. A M-65 Inventory Insurance…………………………………… VI. A M-66 Objections to Proposals for Membership……………………………………………… VI. A M-56 Responsibilities at Official Visit of Supreme Queen………………………………………… VI. A M-59 Facilitator: When you open the green binder, you will find multiple tabs indicating the various books included in the binder. Find the tab for the Manual of Procedures. The Index is on the first page. Look at each section heading. The listing is in alphabetical order. Each section heading is in bold print. The section and page number are listed to the right of each topic heading. Let us look through the Manual of Procedures to see what topics are included. The version is referenced in today’s training. MOP

The Manual of Procedures provides information useful for any Member or Temple by explaining the procedures to follow in order to fulfill the obligations imposed by the Supreme Temple Bylaws, the Subordinate Temple Bylaws, and the Supreme Temple Protocol. I. FORMATION AND DISSOLUTION OF A DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE SUBORDINATE TEMPLE FORMATION OF A SUBORDINATE TEMPLE [Refer to Supreme Temple Bylaws, PART II, ARTICLE I FORMATION/DISSOLUTION, SECTION 1. Charter, SECTION 2. Location and Temple Name, SECTION 3. Eligibility] 1. PETITION FOR DISPENSATION a. The Supreme Queen may grant written authorization in the form of a dispensation in order to form a new Temple (“Temple Under Dispensation”) upon a petition of no less than thirty-five (35) eligible ladies residing in the jurisdiction of the Shrine Temple. Not more than five percent (5%) of the number of petitioners may be Plural Members. b. All petitioners shall pay a Petitioner Fee of not less than forty-five dollars ($45) for membership. 2018 M-1 MOP Facilitator: (Have the participants thumb though the pages reading the titles of the various sections.) Let us look at the section headings beginning with Roman Numeral I: Formation and Dissolution. In this section we find information on the formation and dissolution of a Temple. (Continue by giving an overview of the information included in each of the following sections.) II. Membership: This section explains how to become a member and what is required; how to become a Dual Member and its requirements; and how to relinquish membership. III. Finance/Financial Procedures: This section covers what happens to money received, money paid out, and how these transactions are recorded. IV. Philanthropy: This section explains that the sole philanthropy of Daughters of the Nile is the Shriners Hospitals for Children® and outlines general guidelines how money earned by the local Temples is distributed. V. Official Temple Properties: This section explains what the Official Temple Properties are, how to use them, and what is available for members to purchase. VI. Duties of Officers: This section explains the duties of the Queen and other Officers and the correct way to complete their various duties. VII. Fiscal Year Calendar: This section explains what needs to be accomplished each month of the year. VIII. Penalties: This states the forms to be used, form due dates and penalties if deadlines are not met. IX. Committees and Duties: Explains what each committee is and what it does. X. Stated Sessions: This section explains who may attend, the order of business, and what should be covered at various sessions. XI. Installation of Officers: This section explains requirements and procedures for installations. XII: Uniformed Units: This section explains the purpose of the Unit, how it functions, and who may belong. XIII Clubs: This section explains who may attend Clubs and where they may be held. XIV. Unit and Club Guidelines: This section explains contributions and bylaws of the Units and Clubs. XV. Annual Session: This section explains: 1) how to submit amendments or recommendations for changes to Ritual, Protocol, or Manual of Procedures to the Supreme Temple; 2) how Candidates running for any Supreme Elective Office are presented; and 3) what each registered member shall receive when attending Supreme Session. XVI. Required Practices of the Order: This section refers to the proper use of the Temple Seal, stationery, mailings, publications, and websites. XVII. Records Retention and Disposal: This section explains what documents need to be kept.

7 Activity Facilitator: Let us practice finding answers to some questions found in the Manual of Procedures. (Distribute to each pair of participants, the questions included in the training materials. The questions may also be written by the Facilitator or chosen ahead of time by the members.) Facilitator: Each pair of participants was given a copy of the questions to answer. (You may divide the questions or give one page to each person or team, depending on the number in attendance.) Write the answer on the space provided on your paper.   We will begin with the following sample question.

8 “What is a Unit and how do I join?”
SAMPLE QUESTION: “What is a Unit and how do I join?” Sample Question: Facilitator: (Read the question) “Where do you think we will find the answer?” (Recognize someone to answer.) “Yes, Section XII Uniformed Units, A. Governing Guidelines, page M-127.” (Have a volunteer read the answer.) Answer: “A Daughter of the Nile may be invited to become a member of any Unit.”

9 (Give the individual/teams about five to ten (5-10) minutes to find the answers. Determine the amount of time needed by checking the progress of the individual/team. When it appears that the answers have been found, continue the training by asking each individual/team to read a question and answer aloud.)

10 Facilitator: Let us begin by reading Question One. Do I have a volunteer who will read the question aloud, tell us where to find the answer and announce the answer. (Pause for the volunteer.) Thank you, ____________, please begin. (Continue the process until all of the individuals or teams have been given the opportunity to speak.)

11 “The Queen is required to read the Philanthropic Purpose aloud to the Candidates after the Ceremonial. Is there another option for reading the Philanthropic Purpose to the Candidates without having to read it during the Session?” (Set this slide to display during the reading of Question One.) Question One: “The Queen is required to read the Philanthropic Purpose aloud to the Candidates after the Ceremonial. Is there another option for reading the Philanthropic Purpose to the Candidates without having to read it during the Session?”

12 (Set this slide to display during the discussion of the answer for Question One.)
Answer: Section IV Philanthropy, E. Philanthropic Purpose, (pages M-51 and M-52) “To be read by the Queen to new Members after Ceremonials or to be read by the Past Queen who sits with the Candidates prior to the Ceremonial” FACILITATOR: Another important document that is required for the Past Queen who sits with the Candidates to read is: Guidelines for Past Queen Attending and Instructing Candidates at the Ceremony of Initiation (pages M-121 through M-124) This information is important for the Queen to know where to find, so she can give it to the Past Queen.

13 Does the Princess Recorder read the bills at a Stated Session?
Set this slide to display during the reading of Question Two.) Question Two: “Does the Princess Recorder read the bills at a Stated Session?

14 (Set this slide to display during the discussion of the answer for Question Two.)
Answer: Section X Stated Session, Order of Business, Bills (page M-115) “Bills – Princess Recorder reads the warrants individually stating the warrant number, to whom the payment will be made, and the amount of the expenditure.”

15  “What is the requirement for a Temple to combine a Stated Session and Supreme Queen’s Official Visit?” (Set this slide to display during the reading of Question Three.) Question Three: “What is the requirement for a Temple to combine a Stated Session and Supreme Queen’s Official Visit?

16 (Set this slide to display during the discussion of the answer for Question Three.)
Answer: Section X Stated Session, C. Change in Session Date, Time, & Place (page M-119) “A Stated Session falling within fifteen (15) days prior to or after the Official Visit of the Supreme Queen may be combined with the Special Session for the Supreme Queen.”

17 “How can a member be reinstated to membership?”
(Set this slide to display during the reading of Question Four.) Question Four: “How can a member be reinstated to membership?”

18 (Set this slide to display during the discussion of the answer for Question Four.)
Answer: Section II Membership, M. Petition for Reinstatement (page M-25 1-3) “Complete a Petition for Reinstatement form, pay one (1) year’s arrearage and the current prorated Annual Dues, which shall include the current year’s Annual Per Capita. The Petition for Reinstatement shall be read at the next Stated Session and if the Queen does not receive (5) five or more written letters of objection, the petitioner shall be reinstated.”

19 “What is the process for a Temple that wants to use Condensed Minutes
(Set this slide to display during the reading of Question Five.) Question Five: “What is the process for a Temple that wants to use Condensed Minutes?”

20 (Set this slide to display during the discussion of the answer for Question Five.)
Answer: Section VI Duties of Officers, 20. Minutes - Reading (page M-86 and M-87) a. “By vote of the Temple, Minutes may be read in their entirety or condensed form.” Preparing and pre-approval of the Minutes: 1. “The Princess Recorder shall use bold type and/or underlining to mark the text read to the membership...” 2) “Before the Stated Session, the Queen and each Elective Officer, or an annually appointed committee appointed by the Queen, shall read the Minutes in their entirety before the condensed reading of the Minutes is read to the membership.”

21 “When does the Lady of the Gates enter the Session Room during a Ceremonial?
(Set this slide to display during the reading of Question Six.) Question Six: “When does the Lady of the Gates enter the Session Room during a Ceremonial?

22 (Set this slide to display during the discussion of the answer for Question Six.)
Answer: Section VI Duties of Officers I. Lady of the Gates (page M-101) “If there is a Ceremonial, she shall remain outside the door until the Candidate(s) has/have fully entered the Session Room for the Ceremonial.”

23 WOO HOO!! YES!! Facilitator: Congratulations! You have just completed Step Three in “Step-by-Step Guide: Princess to Queen” by learning how to find answers to questions about our procedures.

For this section of the Officer Training, we have focused on the Supreme Temple Manual of Procedures. Now you know when you have a question about how to do something and when it must be done, you look for the answer in the Supreme Temple Manual of Procedures. Thank you for coming, and I sincerely hope you found this training informative and enjoyable. If you have a question about Daughters of the Nile Protocol, please plan to attend Step Four of the training: “The Supreme Queen is Coming………Oh, My!!” PRINCESS

Facilitator: In Step Four of the training: “The Supreme Queen is Coming………Oh, My!!” we will learn about what is contained in the Protocol section of the green binder. We will begin with Formal Introductions. .

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