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£12,000 £102,375 Which would you choose?

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Presentation on theme: "£12,000 £102,375 Which would you choose?"— Presentation transcript:

1 £12,000 £102,375 Which would you choose?
CONNECT Option 1 You will get £1000 in January, and then another £1000 every month for the year. Option 2 You will get £25 in January, £50 in February and the amount will continue to double every month through to December. £12,000 £102,375 Which would you choose?


We will look at the importance of willpower (or the ability to delay gratification), and how this impacts on our future success. CONTENT PROCESS We will watch and discuss a short TED talk on the Marshmallow Study. We’ll think about the research and come to some conclusions. We’ll think about how we could apply this to our own lives. BENEFITS The ability to delay gratification has been shown to be a vital determining factor in achieving success and happiness in life. Being aware of its importance should help us to develop our ability to set goals and to stick to them.

4 ACTIVATE Don’t eat the Marshmallow – Joachim de Posada

5 ACTIVATE See Think Wonder In pairs discuss the TED Talk video
What you see? What did you think? What does this make you wonder?

6 DEMONSTRATE Set yourself 2 goals where you need to practice delayed gratification- 1. School based 2. Outside school Using the tips to help you write down what you will do to practice delayed gratification to help you achieve these goals.

7 What is the first step you will take tomorrow to
REVIEW & REFLECT Personal reflection What is the first step you will take tomorrow to implement your plan?

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