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Published byKaleb Williamson Modified over 10 years ago
Tests of Cognitive Abilities & Tests of Achievement
Region VI Workshop May 10, 2002 Woodcock Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities & Tests of Achievement (Adapted from Riverside Publishing Materials)
Organization Cognitive (RED) Achievement (BLUE) Standard Battery
10 Tests 12 Clusters Extended Battery 14 Clusters Achievement (BLUE) Standard Battery 12 Tests 10 Clusters Extended Battery 10 Tests 9 Clusters (Form A & B)
“IQ tests are a poor way to judge people's abilities, failing as they do to account for magic, which has its own importance, both by itself and as a compliment to logic.” - Robert James Waller
8 New Cognitive Tests General Information Retrieval Fluency
Auditory Attention Decision Speed Planning Rapid Picture Naming Pair Cancellation Auditory Working Memory
9 New Cognitive Clusters
Brief Intellectual Ability 3 Cognitive Performance Verbal Ability Thinking Abilities Cognitive Efficiency 5 Clinical Clusters Executive Processes Working Memory Broad Attention Cognitive Fluency Phonemic Awareness
Cognitive Measurements
General Intellectual Ability (Standard and Extended) – GIA CALP (Cognitive - Academic Language Proficiency) vs. BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills) Score of 1 (negligible) to 5 (Advanced) Subtests 1 & 11 Brief Intellectual Ability - BIA Subtests 1, 5, and 6 Useful for screenings & DDL reevaluations
New Achievement Features
Broad Achievement includes 3 Subtests 1 Skills Test 1 Fluency Test 1 Application Test Includes Oral Language Tests Requires Tape Player and y-jack
9 New Achievement Tests Reading Fluency Story Recall
Story Recall – Delayed Understanding Directions Math Fluency Spelling (Replaces Dictation) Spelling of Sounds Sound Awareness Editing (formerly Proofreading) Punctuation & Capitalization
8 New Achievement Clusters
Total Achievement Academic Fluency Academic Skills Academic Applications Phonemic/Grapheme Knowledge Oral Language Oral Expression Listening Comprehension
Test Administration: Tools & Techniques
Strive for exact & brisk administration Have necessary materials Test books Test records Subject response booklet Tapes Tape player Headphones, Y-jack, Earpiece Pencils Stopwatch/Timer
Administration Tool: Test Session Observation Checklist
Level of conversational proficiency Level of cooperation Level of activity Attention & concentration Self-confidence Care in responding Response to difficult tasks
Administration Time (COG)
GIA Standard Tests 1-7 60 minutes GIA Extended Tests 1 – 7 & 11 – 17 120 minutes Supplemental Tests 8 – 10 & Use as needed – 60 min. BIA Tests 1, 5, & 6 30 minutes
Administration Time (ACH)
Preliminary Testing at BC Intake Booklet & Ach Tests 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11 Approx. 120 minutes Standard Achievement Tests 1, 3, 4, 9, 10 60 minutes Extended Achievement Tests
Administration Techniques
Know your tools Follow standardized procedures Use suggested starting points Know basal and ceiling rules Know pronunciations Don’t penalize mispronunciations due to speech deficits or regional differences Student must smoothly pronounce words for credit (automaticity is critical)
“If you think you are over your head with a client, you probably are
“If you think you are over your head with a client, you probably are.” - Richard Bolles
Administration Techniques
Test by complete pages when subject sees items Score LAST response given Give benefit of doubt every other time Don’t repeat items unless directed Use pause button if needed If interrupted by a sound, repeat item later
Administration Techniques
Adhere to time limits Record exact finishing times On timed written tests, direct student to cross out errors Check questionable responses later; proceed as if correct
“We never do anything well till we cease to think about the manner of doing it.” - William Hazlitt
20 Cognitive Tests Standard Battery Extended Battery
1. Verbal Comprehension 11. General Information 2. Visual-Auditory Learning 12, Retrieval Fluency 3. Spatial Relations 13. Picture Recognition 4. Sound Blending 14. Auditory Attention 5. Concept Formation 15. Analysis-Synthesis 6. Visual Matching 16. Decision Speed 7. Numbers Reversed 17. Memory for Words 8. Incomplete Words 18. Rapid Picture Naming 9. Auditory Working Memory 19. Planning 10. Visual-Auditory Learning Delayed 20. Pair Cancellation
“The IQ and the life expectancy of the average American recently passed each other going in the opposite direction.” - George Carlin
Cognitive Abilities Standard Battery
No Substantial Changes
2 Visual Auditory Learning 4 Sound Blending 5 Concept Formation 6 Visual Matching (Version 2) 7 Numbers Reversed 8 Incomplete Words (Supplemental) 10 Visual Auditory Learning Delayed (Supplemental)
1. Verbal Comprehension New 4 Subtests
Picture Vocabulary Synonyms Antonyms Verbal Analogies Basal/Ceiling = 3 lowest correct/ 3 highest incorrect Used in GIA (Std & Ext), BIA, CALP, Verbal Ability, Comprehension-Knowledge, Predicted Achievement
2. Visual-Auditory Learning
Controlled learning task with feedback Not “long-term memory”, but retrieval of items learned through associative storage and retrieval Begin with Introduction 1 for all students Discontinue when cutoff is met Score based on number of errors Used in GIA, Thinking Ability, Long-Term Retrieval, Predicted Achievement
3. Spatial Relations Revised Select component shapes to make whole
Multiple points possible per item Begin with Introduction for all students Discontinue when cutoff is met Used in GIA, Thinking Ability, Visual-Spatial Thinking, Predicted Achievement
4. Sound Blending Use Tape Begin with samples, then Item 1
Ceiling = 6 consecutive highest items incorrect Words must be pronounced smoothly Do not repeat any items during test Used in GIA, Thinking Ability, Auditory Processing, Phonemic Awareness, Predicted Achievement
5. Concept Formation Controlled learning task with feedback
Begin with Introduction 2 (grades 2 and up) Discontinue when cutoff is met Used in GIA, BIA, Thinking Ability, Fluid Reasoning, Executive Processes, Predicted Achievement
6. Visual Matching Use Version 2 (in Test Record) for Ages 5 and up
3 minute limit Record exact time if student finishes early Don’t let them cover items with paper or hand Used in GIA, BIA, Cognitive Efficiency, Processing Speed, Predicted Achievement
7. Numbers Reversed Use Tape after items 1 – 10
Basal/Ceiling rules apply to groups of items: 3 lowest in group correct / 3 highest in group incorrect Can be useful for CLD’s End of Standard Subtests Used in GIA, Cognitive Efficiency, Short-Term Memory, Working Memory, Broad Attention, Predicted Achievement
8. Incomplete Words Supplemental subtest Use tape
Begin with Sample B (K and up) Word must be smoothly pronounced as complete word Used in Auditory Processing, Phonemic Awareness
9. Auditory Working Memory
New Use Tape Student hears words and digits, then repeats words in sequence, followed by digits in order Score 1 point for words in order, 1 point for numbers in order Similar sounding or rhyming responses are correct Basal/Ceiling rules apply to groups of items: all 3 in lowest group scored 2 / all 3 in highest group scored 0 Used in Working Memory, Broad Attention
10. Visual Auditory Learning – Delayed
Relearning task with feedback Administer 30 minutes to 8 days after #2 Score based on number of errors Begin with line 1 with all students Administer all lines to all students Synonyms are counted as errors Used in Delayed Recall
Cognitive Abilities Extended Battery
No Substantial Changes
15 Analysis-Synthesis 17 Memory for Words
11. General Information New Requires answering oral questions
2 subtests Where What Basal/Ceiling rules apply to each subtest: 4 lowest correct/ 4 highest incorrect Know correct pronunciations for all items Used in GIA-Ext, Verbal Ability, Comprehension-Knowledge, Knowledge Aptitude
12. Retrieval Fluency New
Name as many items in a given category as possible in 1 minute (make slash marks) Administer all items to all students 1 minute time limit for each category Do not count exact duplicate items, but variations are acceptable Do not ask student to repeat Used in GIA, Thinking Ability, Long-Term Retrieval, Cognitive Fluency
13. Picture Recognition Revised Partial credit available
Begin with samples then item 1 for all Discontinue when cutoff is met Show stimulus for exactly 5 seconds Score 1 point for each picture identified in any order Used in GIA, Thinking Ability, Visual-Spatial Thinking
14. Auditory Attention New Use Tape
Requires student to detect words with increasing background noise Begin with Training Items (1 – 57) orally Administer Samples, then Item 1 for all Ceiling = 6 highest items incorrect Used in GIA, Thinking Ability, Auditory Processing, Broad Attention
15. Analysis – Synthesis Controlled Learning Task with feedback
Begin with Color pretest, then Introduction Discontinue when cutoff is met Items 26 – 35: 1 minute time limit for each Used in GIA, Thinking Ability, Fluid Reasoning
16. Decision Speed New Requires marking the 2 of 7 objects in a row that go together or are most alike Begin with Samples, then Item 1 3 minute time limit Both pictures must be identified for credit Scoring template available Used in GIA, Cognitive Efficiency, Processing Speed, Cognitive Fluency
17. Memory for Words Use tape
Basal/Ceiling: lowest 3 in group correct/ highest 3 in group incorrect Must be repeated in exact order Accept similar sounding or rhyming words Used in GIA, Cognitive Efficiency, Short-Term Memory
18. Rapid Picture Naming New Requires quickly naming pictures in row
Begin with Samples, then Item 1 2 minute time limit Accept synonyms (pup for puppy) Do not accept responses that are similar but not synonyms (glass for cup) Removes motor component from Processing Speed Used in Cognitive Fluency
19. Planning New Trace pattern without lifting pencil or retracing a line Begin with Sample Items for all students Follow continuation rules Score is based on number of errors Retraced or untraced segments are errors Stop student if pencil is lifted or line retraced Used in Executive Processing
20. Pair Cancellation New
Circle 2 target shapes when they appear in sequence (ball then dog) Begin with Sample Item and Practice 3 minute time limit Scoring template provided Used in Broad Attention, Executive Processing
“Sometimes when I'm in a bookstore or a library, I am overwhelmed by all the things that I do not know.” - Arthur C. Clarke
Standard Battery & Extended Battery
Tests of Achievement Standard Battery & Extended Battery
Tests of Achievement Standard Battery Extended Battery
Letter-Word Identification Reading Fluency Story Recall Understanding Directions Calculation Math Fluency Spelling Writing Fluency Passage Comprehension Applied Problems Writing Samples Story Recall – Delayed Extended Battery Word Attack Picture Vocabulary Oral Comprehension Editing Reading Vocabulary Quantitative Concepts Academic Knowledge Spelling of Sounds Sound Awareness Punctuation & Capitalization
No Substantial Changes
1 Letter-Word Identification (fluidly pronounced) 5 Calculation 9 Passage Comprehension 10 Applied Problems 11 Writing Samples (double score if possible) 13 Word Attack (fluidly pronounced) 16 Editing (formerly Proofreading) 18 Quantitative Concepts 19 Academic Knowledge
1. Letter-Word Identification
Must be fluidly pronounced Basal/Ceiling = 6 lowest correct / 6 highest correct Know exact pronunciation of words Used in Broad Reading, Basic Reading Skills, Academic Skills, Total Achievement
2. Reading Fluency New Rapidly read simple sentences and mark whether it is true or false Start with Item 1 3 minute time limit Skipped items are scored “0” If fewer than 3 correct on Practice Exercises C-F, discontinue and score “0” Enter Number Correct and Number Incorrect Used in Broad Reading, Academic Fluency, Total Achievement
3. Story Recall New Use tape
Student listens to story on tape, then retells it Must repeat Bold elements exactly; other parts may be paraphrased (in any order) Use suggested starting points Follow continuation rules Pause tape player after each story Do not repeat or replay any stories Used in Oral Language (Std & Ext), Oral Expression
4. Understanding Directions
New Use Tape; pause tape if needed Student points to items on picture according to taped instructions Allow student 10 seconds to view each picture before starting tape Use suggested starting points; follow discontinuation instructions Lay Test Manual flat Tip: Only watch for correct answers – don’t try to figure it out Used in Oral Language (Std & Ext), Listening Comprehension
5. Calculation Untimed Don’t point out signs
Basal/Ceiling = 6 lowest correct/6 highest incorrect Accept reversals but not transpositions Used in Broad Math, Math Calculation Skills, Academic Skills, Total Achievement
6. Math Fluency New Timed Math facts Begin with Item 1
3 minutes timed Do not point out signs Lay booklet open Discontinue if 3 or fewer correct in 1 minute Used in Broad Math, Math Calculation Skills, Academic Fluency, Total Achievement
7. Spelling () Revised Spelling (not usage & punctuation)
Basal/Ceiling = 6/6 Used in Broad Written Language, Basic Writing Skills, Academic Skills, Total Achievement
8. Writing Fluency Moved
Student quickly writes simple sentences using prompt words Begin with Item 1 7 Minutes timed Discontinue if “0” correct on Samples or fewer than 3 correct in first 2 minutes Read stimulus words as needed Stimulus words cannot be altered Used in Broad Written Language, Written Expression, Academic Fluency, Total Achievement
9. Passage Comprehension
No changes from WJ-R Basal/Ceiling = 6/6 Accept responses that differ in number or tense, but not from different parts of speech Used in Broad Reading, Reading Comprehension, Academic Applications, Total Achievement
10. Applied Problems Read all blue prompts to student
Basal/Ceiling = 6/6 Used in Broad Math, Math Reasoning, Academic Applications, Total Achievement
11. Writing Samples () Student writes complete sentences to prompts which increase in difficulty Administer entire block of items Administer additional blocks of items if score falls in shaded area of scoring table Examiner may use 2, 1.5, 1, .5 or 0 for each item Used in Broad Written Language, Written Expression, Academic Applications, Total Achievement
Tests of Achievement: Extended Battery
Word Attack Picture Vocabulary Oral Comprehension Editing Reading Vocabulary Quantitative Concepts Academic Knowledge Spelling of Sounds Sound Awareness Punctuation/Capitalization
Preliminary Testing (at BC)
Special Instructions Item Administered By: Date & Initials Intake Booklet & Consent Form 3 Minutes Timed Test 2: Reading Fluency Test 5: Calculation Test 6: Math Fluency Use Tape Test 7: Spelling 7 Minutes Timed Test 8: Writing Fluency Test 11: Writing Samples Other:
Cognitive Testing (At BC)
Two 1-hour appointments Cognitive 1 – 7 Cognitive 11 – 17 If additional Cognitive Tests are needed Cognitive 8 – 10, 18 – 22 WAIS – 3
Achievement Testing Appointments (at BC)
Two 1-hour appointments Achievement 1, 3, 4, 9, 10 Achievement If additional Achievement Tests are needed Achievement 19 – 22 WRAT-3 Nelson-Denny
“To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing
“To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.” - Elbert Hubbard
Compuscore Professional Certification
Scoring and Reporting Compuscore Professional Certification
Compuscore Check accuracy of all scores Launch Compuscore Program
Set up program once: Click <Options> Click <Program Options> Under “Additional Score Column” choose CALP For “Confidence Band” choose 68% For “Discrepancy Cutoff” choose 1.30
Compuscore Continued For Verbal & Numeric Data:
Enter scores for Cognitive & Achievement, Standard & Extended Batteries Enter observations Click <Report> <Summary & Score Report> Choose Age Select “Include GIA/BIA” For “Ability/Ach” choose “GIA-Extended”, then also run “Oral Language” or “GIA-Standard” For “Intra-Ability” choose “Intra-Cog and/or Intra-Ach” Send to “Print Preview” Click <OK>
Compuscore Report To see next page in report, press PAGE DOWN key
Click icon to Print the report Click icon to Close Preview (or press ESC)
Compuscore Continued For Graphical Data:
Click <Report>, <Age/Grade Profiles> Choose “Age” Choose “Include GIA/BIA” For “Data to Include” choose “Standard Score” Send report to “Print Preview” Click <OK>
“Machines increase the number of things we can do without thinking
“Machines increase the number of things we can do without thinking. Things we do without thinking - there's the real danger.” - Frank Herbert
CARS-W & Professional Certification
Until print instructions are completed for WJ-III, use Professional Certification (later CARS-W) Open Professional Certification file or template file Complete each component, and determine if scores meet criteria Save and Print file Open student profile from CARS-W roster. Complete Component #1 as usual. For each subsequent component, choose “Professional Certification” Write “See attached documentation” in the first box of each component. Sign off as Met or Not Met.
Experiences from the Trenches
CALP is very useful for CLD students BIA can confirm old DDL scores Good Achievement Battery: Basic Skills, Fluency, and Application for each academic area CSU prefers WJ-III Takes more time to administer & write Fewer students meet eligibility Review takes longer
“Your mind should be a place where you work things out, not store a bunch of stuff.” - Albert Einstein
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