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2 What is A Cyclone? A tropical cyclone in Australia is the same weather phenomenon as a hurricane in the USA and a typhoon in Japan. Whatever these intense low-pressure systems are called, they are all formed over warm oceans between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. They produce destructive winds, heavy rainfall and storm surges that inundate low-lying coastal areas.

3 Tropical cyclones The world experiences 90 tropical cyclones annually, with 47% formed over the Pacific Ocean and 6% over the Indian Ocean. Cyclone season in the southern hemisphere is between November and April; hurricane and typhoon season in the northern hemisphere is between June and November. In Typhoon Nina in China killed people and in 2005 Hurricane Katrina in the USA killed 1836 people. Warmer seas from global warming are anticipated to increase the severity of cyclones in the future. Large tropical cyclones formed over warm water above 26.5 °C should not be confused with smaller tornadoes generally formed over land.

4 A category one cyclone sustains a wind speed of over 63 km/h compared to a category five cyclone of over 200 km/h. In the centre of the cyclone is the ‘eye’ where the wind is calm. After the eye passes, the winds on the other side of the cyclone blow with equal strength but in the opposite direction. Once cyclones reach land, their strength weakens and eventually dissipates due to lack of moisture.



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