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NOTE SHEET 5 – The 2 Groups of Eukaryotic Cells

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1 NOTE SHEET 5 – The 2 Groups of Eukaryotic Cells
Adrenal Gland Onion Leaf



4 All eukaryotic cells have a…
cell membrane, cytoplasm, and DNA in a nucleus (and ribosomes too)

5 What are the 2 groups of eukaryotic cells?
Animal cells – flexible cells found in animals that have a nucleus and other parts (organelles)


7 Microscopic Images of Animal Cells

8 What are the 2 groups of eukaryotic cells?
Plant cells – rigid cells found in plants that have a nucleus and other parts (organelles)

9 What is the difference between animal cells and plant cells
What is the difference between animal cells and plant cells? • Plant cells have 2 parts that are NEVER FOUND in animal cells: cell wall – a rigid structure that surrounds the cell membrane of a plant cell and gives the cell shape, support, and protection chloroplasts – plant cell parts that make food for the plant (photosynthesis)

10 Microscopic Images of Plant Cells


12 Why don’t animal cells have cell walls or chloroplasts?
Animals move so they need flexible cells; cell walls make cells rigid Animals get food by eating other living things so they don’t need chloroplasts to make food

13 Animal vs Plant

14 Another way to look at it…
There are 2 main groups of eukaryotic cells, animal and plant

15 Another way to look at it…
Plant cells have a rigid cell wall and animal cells do not (they are flexible)

16 Another way to look at it…
Plant cells have chloroplasts for making food and animal cells do not

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