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SRHR Campaign theme ARORTION.

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Presentation on theme: "SRHR Campaign theme ARORTION."— Presentation transcript:

1 SRHR Campaign theme ARORTION

2 Key issues Two countries only ( South-Africa and Mozambique) have a provision for abortion on demand services . Seven countries have relaxed the abortion laws, but do not have a provision for demand The remaining countries maintain very restrictive laws. There is a high rate of teenage pregnancy that range from 15-40% among 18 year olds. The age of majority to consent to sexual activity in the region ranges from years while the SADC protocol puts the marriage age at 18.

3 Key issues Health facilities provide post abortal care, but unable to provide abortion services due to restrictive laws Unsafe abortion is identified as contributor to maternal mortality. (Give Examples of countries that relaxed the laws and managed to reduce MM) Hypocrisy from those in positions of authority i.e. faith leaders community perception and stigma

4 Key objectives Advocate for law reforms in order to liberalise archaic abortion laws. Create awareness on the magnitude of unsafe abortion especially for women and girls living in the rural areas Create a critical mass of women, men, girls and boys who are involved in the campaign to safe abortion through participatory activities Develop IEC messages for the campaign

5 Target groups Primary Target:
Law reform Commissions, Ministries of law/ Justice, Health, Gender, Home affairs , Education , Parliament, Judiciary, Human Rights and Gender Commissions. Secondary Local Councils (Local Councillors) Traditional and faith leaders, political party leadership, learning institutions, health workers, social workers CSOs and other Non State actors, women , men, girls and boys, Traditional birth attendants

6 Key messages Women must continue dying due to unsafe abortion.
Let us save tax payers money to used for other essential services than paying for post abortion care. Member states must respect women human rights and leave by their obligations

7 Key messages My body my choice
Women bodies must not be remote controlled

8 Tools – media Mass media Campaign IEC materials
Live Radio/Television programs Billboards Theatre for change

9 Tools – social media Facebook Twitter Instagram
Targeted smart app on abortion Whatsup

10 Tools – Community media
Community Journalist gathering voices of people and connecting to Community radios Creating Radio listening clubs to collect their own stories in community to be locally broadcasted Theatre for change

11 Tools – other Community Sensitization campaigns Lobby and Advocacy
Road Shows/ travelling theatres Dialogue/interface meetings Workshops

12 Resolutions Members states must fully live up to their obligations and not engage in a reverse gear Traditional and faith leaders must create a conducive environment for members states to operate as regards Abortion law reforms. There is need to respect the mandate of law makers in order for them to fulfill their obligations without hindrance. CSOs and other Non State actors must call for accountability from members states that have decided to keep quiet at the expense of women’s lives.


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