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Allen Independent School District Project S.O.A.R. 2019

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1 Allen Independent School District Project S.O.A.R. 2019
Tuesday, October 16 , 2018 Allen ISD Administration Building 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Snack Supper at 6 pm Allen Independent School District Project S.O.A.R. 2019

Louise Master, Place 6 John Montgomery - President - Place 3 Amy Gnadt, Vice President - Place 4 Sarah Mitchell- Place 1 Vatsa Ramanathan - Place 7 Scott Niven, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools David Noll - Place 2 Kelley Rowley – Secretary Place 5

3 Cabinet Members Robin Bullock Deputy Superintendent Tim Carroll
Chief Information Officer Greg Cartwright Chief Financial Officer Daniel Pitcock Chief Operations Officer Deron Robinson General Counsel Shelia Straughan Smith Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Jennifer Wilhelm Assistant Superintendent of Learner Services Dr. Maroba Zoeller Chief Governmental Relations Officer

4 Allen ISD Superintendent. . .
Dr. Scott Niven – “State of the District” Vision, Mission & Strategic Plan “The Allen Way” 6:20 – 6:30 Dr. Lance Hindt Dr. Hindt thanks committee for service and gives them their charge for the work to be done. Introduce Board and Board President


6 Strategic Plan Strategic Goal 3: RESOURCES
Leverage all opportunities to create and sustain a successful learning organization. Develop and implement a long-range financial plan to support student success. Strategic Objective 1: Maintain a strong financial plan that appropriately allocates instructional resources, maintains financial strength, integrity, and provides adequate taxpayer transparency. Strategic Objective 2: Provide a student-centered educational environment that reflects a commitment to safety, security, and innovation Strategic Goal 4: ORGANIZATIONAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY Ensure optimum use of resources and operation and systems. Strategic Objective 1:Design and implement specific, comprehensive program evaluations of systemic district initiatives, programs, and practices. Strategic Goal 5: COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Purposefully promote and communicate the message of our vision of excellence to our stakeholders, business and surrounding community, the extended social media community, and in state, national, and international venues. Strategic Objective 1: Inform and engage students, parents, and the community regarding the educational priorities, processes, initiatives, achievements and challenges of the District.

7 Strategic Plan Strategic Goal 1: STUDENT LEARNING
Cultivate innovation and increase student success by engaging students in rigorous and relevant learning experiences that will prepare them for graduation and post- secondary success. Strategic Objective 1: Implement systems and structures promoting the communication, exploration and pursuit of college and career opportunities for all students. Strategic Objective 2: Build instructional capacity to yield increases in student success. Strategic Objective 3: Design and implement comprehensive instructional programs and learning services for our community of learners Strategic Goal 2: HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT, SUPPORT, AND RETENTION Cultivate an organizational culture and climate that values building capacity in all staff that fosters academic success for all students. Strategic Objective 1: Recruit and retain staff that is committed to our shared beliefs and vision. Strategic Objective 2: Provide human capital development opportunities to continually strengthen professional capacity and interpersonal skills to maximize the educational environment



10 Your Task Cycle for Tonight. . . (exactly, what is a task cycle?). . .
Purpose of Project S.O.A.R. 2019: Collaborative development of a bond referendum recommendation for presentation to the Allen ISD Board of Trustees and ultimately to the Allen ISD community in May of 2019 6:45 – 6:55 Review task cycle purpose and outcomes only. Go to next slide for outcomes

11 Outcomes for Tonight. . .part 1
Aligned work group; cohesive owners of the Project S.O.A.R. work Committee’s Charge: Become informed of current Allen ISD projections toward meeting the district goal of maintaining the excellence of our facilities and supporting high level learning environments and innovative programs. Incorporate those projections into designing a bond referendum proposal that will enable achievement of that goal, meet student needs, and can be supported by the Allen ISD community. 6:45 -6:55 Continued, then go to next slide.

12 Outcomes for Tonight. . .part 2
State of the District & District Non-Negotiables History of Allen ISD Bonds Public School Finance 101 Demographics Overview of Facilities Planning 6:45 -6:55 Continued, then go to next slide.

13 Housekeeping. . .pt. 1 The district leadership team as well as other professionals are here to serve you and to be a resource for you. Ask any questions. A committee roster will be distributed. Please let Paula English of any corrections to your information. Your attendance at every meeting will help yield optimum results for this committee and this community. 6:45 – 6:55 continued Read slide. Describe process for Bullet 4, unanswered questions.

14 Introductions. . . Who are you? Your name. . .
(You have only 10 minutes at your tables. You will get to know others on the committee as you work together.) What is your role in the community or Allen ISD? Do you have children in Allen schools? 6:55 – 7:10 Michelle/all Let us get to know you. Over the course of our work, you will come to know others on the committee very well. Take about 15 seconds to tell your name, your role in the community or in Allen ISD and if you have children in Allen schools. You will have 15 seconds to do this. Now, to give us an idea of the diversity in this room and the range of our experience and talents, let me ask you to raise your hand if you belong to one of the groups I will mention. Of course, you will raise your hand more than once. Allen parent PTA or other volunteer Education—public or private Higher Ed Finance, Accounting, Banking Engineering, Design, Construction, Project Management Human Resources Facilitation, Training, Organizational Development Faith-based Ministries Retired Management Marketing, Sales Public Relations, Community Affairs Technology, IT Business Owner Chambers of Commerce or Economic Development Non Profits Civic Organizations, HOAs Residential or Commercial Development Realtors State/Local Government Others I did not mention?

7:45 – 7:55 Beth Nicholas (embedded slides) Tim Carroll, Chief Information Officer

16 Past AISD Bond Initiatives; Bond Projects
7:45 – 7:55 Tim Carroll (embedded slides) Tim Carroll, Chief Information Officer

17 History of Past Allen ISD Bond Initiatives;
Year Amount For % For Against Total 2009 $119.4 mi 2,363 (64%) 1,349 3,712 2008 $219 million 20,877 (74%) 7,486 28,363 2004 $69 million 1,736 (73%) 2003 $71.5 million 3,344 (74%) 1,171 4,515 2002 $55.5 million 1,001 (74%) 342 1,343 1998 $115 million 1,599 (73%) 599 2,194 1995 $75.8 million 2,438 (84%) 460 2,898 1993 $17.3 million 2,272 (74%) 776 3,048 1990 $13 million 719 (33%) 1,406 2,125 1985 $16 million (90%) Year Amount For % For Against Total 1981 $12.9 million (87%) 1980 $17.9 million (84%) 1977 $5 million (94%) 1973 $3 million (91%) 1970 $750, (66%) 1959 $200, (100%) 0 106 1953 $6, (99%) 1 62 1936 $12, (97%) 1910 $12, (90%) 5 52 7:45 – 7:55 Tim Carroll (embedded slides) Tim Carroll, Chief Information Officer

18 1995 Bond Projects Status Allen High School Land
Allen High School Facility New Bolin & Kerr Schools Renovate 7 Campuses 7:45 – 7:55 Tim Carroll (embedded slides) $75.8 Million Bond Election

19 2008 Bond Projects Status AHS Career Center New Lindsey Elementary
Boyd, Curtis, Ereckson Additions Auxilliary Gyms – Curtis-Ford Service Center Land Renovations To 6 Elem. 2 Middle Sch. 7:45 – 7:55 Tim Carroll (embedded slides) $219 Million Bond Election

20 Performing Arts Center
2009 Bond Projects Status Performing Arts Center Multipurpose Stadium Service Center 7:45 – 7:55 Tim Carroll (embedded slides) $119 Million Bond Election

21 PUBLIC SCHOOL FINANCE 101 Greg Cartwright, Chief Financial Officer
7:45 – 7:55 Beth Nicholas (embedded slides) Greg Cartwright, Chief Financial Officer

22 Public School Finance 101 Two Types of Tax Rates
Maintenance & Operations (M&O) For payroll, utilities, supplies, equipment, furniture, fees, travel, etc. Allen ISD M&O Rate for is $1.16 per $100 taxable value Board approval up to $1.04; Voter approval up to $1.17 Maximum Can be used to pay for Capital projects or Debt Service costs Interest & Sinking (I&S) For payment of annual principal and interest on bond debt along with related fees Allen ISD I&S Rate for is $0.48 per $100 taxable value Board approval up to $0.50 Maximum Not allowed to pay for M & O expenses 7:45 – 7:55 Tim Carroll (embedded slides)

23 Public School Finance 101 Bond Debt - Use of Funds
Construction, acquisition, and equipping of school buildings Purchase of necessary sites for school buildings Purchase of new school buses 7:45 – 7:55 Tim Carroll (embedded slides)

24 Public School Finance 101 Bond Debt - Other Factors
Maximum of 40 Year Maturity Value on Bonds Sold Taxes are “Frozen” on 65 & Over and Disabled – Homestead Exemption Ratings Can Impact Interest Rate Paid on Bonds Sold - PSF Guarantee at AAA - Moody’s Underlying of Aa2 - S&P Underlying of AA 7:45 – 7:55 Tim Carroll (embedded slides)

25 Public School Finance 101 Texas Education Code - Chapter 45
Bonds may not be issued and taxes may not be levied unless authorized by a majority of the qualified voters of the district, voting at an election held for that purpose, at the expense of the district, in accordance with the Election Code. Each election must be called by resolution or order of the governing board. The resolution or order must state the date of the election, the proposition or propositions to be submitted and voted on, the polling place or places, and any other matters considered necessary or advisable by the governing board. 7:45 – 7:55 Tim Carroll (embedded slides)

26 Public School Finance 101 Total Property Values
7:45 – 7:55 Tim Carroll (embedded slides)

27 Public School Finance 101 Debt Service - Principal & Interest
7:45 – 7:55 Tim Carroll (embedded slides)

28 Public School Finance 101 7:45 – 7:55 Tim Carroll (embedded slides)

29 Public School Finance 101 Questions? 7:45 – 7:55 Tim Carroll
(embedded slides)

30 Allen ISD Demographics
7:45 – 7:55 Beth Nicholas (embedded slides) Robin Bullock, Deputy Superintendent

31 Allen ISD Overview of Facilities
7:45 – 7:55 Beth Nicholas (embedded slides) Daniel Pitcock, Assistant Superintendent for Operations

32 Vote. . . If the group is not able to achieve consensus or an 80% agreement, a super majority vote of 2/3 of the committee will constitute a decision. Even a super majority vote is the least desirable process for our committee. 7:22 – 7:27 Go to next slide

33 Proposed Decision- Making Model. . .
Consensus Sustainable Decision Super Majority of 2/3 80% Rule 7:22 – 7:27 I will further define consensus in just a moment, but that will be our joint ultimate goal which we will relentlessly pursue. Go to next slide Vote

34 Consensus and Gradients of Agreement. . .
ENDORSEMENT “I like it.” ENDORSEMENT WITH A MINOR POINT OF CONTENTION “Basically, I like it.” AGREEMENT WITH RESERVATIONS “I can live with it.” ABSTAIN “I have no opinion.” STAND ASIDE “I don’t like this, but I don’t want to hold up the group.” FORMAL DISAGREEMENT, BUT WILLING TO GO WITH MAJORITY “I want my disagreement noted in writing, but I’ll support the decision.” FORMAL DISAGREEMENT, WITH REQUEST TO BE ABSOLVED OF RESPONSIBILITY “I don’t want to stop anyone else, but I don’t want to be involved in implementing it.” BLOCK “I veto this proposal.” 7: :30 Gradients of Agreement Consensus does not mean unanimity. Frequently, if a member is not 100% in favor of a decision, they will feel compelled to vote no. Gradients of Agreement precludes that and enables members to agree to a decision, even with some reservations. Ideally, the majority of members of your table team should be to the left of center. You may want to take this survey regularly throughout your deliberations. This is the Community At Work Gradients Of Agreement Scale. This scale makes it easier for participants to be honest. Using it, members can register less-than- whole-hearted support without fearing that their statement will be interpreted as a veto. Community At Work © 1996

35 Dynamics Of Group Decision-Making. . .
Community At Work © 1996 Closure Zone Business As Usual TIME DECISION POINT NEW TOPIC THE DIAMOND OF PARTICIPATORY DECISION-MAKING Groan Zone Convergent Zone Divergent Zone ? 7:40 – 7:45 Diamond of Participatory Decision Making (Michelle) BRIEFLY explain diamond of participatory decision making.

36 What General Process Shall We Follow in Our Meetings? . . .
We will be uniform and fair in our decision-making. We will have time to process information and ask questions. We will be presented complex school finance information by district and external professionals. We will gain understanding and insight into district needs through presentations by district professionals in several meetings. We will be given a spreadsheet with the projects and associated costs when all the presentations are complete. We will deliberate and make decisions individually, at our tables, in four larger groups, in two large teams, then collectively (more detailed description later). We will reach consensus on a bond referendum that we consider viable in the community and that meets the needs of our district/students. We will present that proposed referendum to the Board of Trustees who have the final decision on bond election . 7:40 – 7:45 Neutralizing the Groan Zone

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