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FHWA Office of Tribal Transportation

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1 FHWA Office of Tribal Transportation
Alaska Tribal Liaison Interagency Group (ATLIG) November 27, 2018 FHWA Office of Tribal Transportation Overview Karl Gleason, P.E. Tribal Coordinator

2 FHWA Office of Tribal Transportation Team
Alaska Field Team Erin Kenley Director – Office of Tribal Transportation HQ DC Cindi Ptak Senior Program and Technical Manager HQ DC (Vacant) Program Assistant HQ DC Adam Larsen Safety Engineer Vancouver WA Brian Allen Program Oversight Manager Vancouver WA Kyle Kitchel Team Leader & Sr. Planner - Vancouver WA Jamie Torres-Gonzalez Team Leader & Sr. Tribal Coordinator - Lakewood CO Russell Garcia Program Coordinator HQ DC Danny Capri Sr. Tribal Coordinator Vancouver WA Karl Gleason Sr. Tribal Coordinator Vancouver WA Darcel Collins Sr. Tribal Coordinator Sterling VA Matt Bird Finance Manager Salem, OR Blane Kunihisa Tribal Coordinator Vancouver WA Jolena Palau Tribal Coordinator Santa Fe, NM Manuel Sanchez Sr. Tribal Coordinator Lakewood CO Doug Roberts Management Analyst Tallahassee, FL Terry Schumann Enviro. Specialist & Tribal Coordinator Vancouver WA David Cremer Environmental Specialist Lakewood CO Misty Klann Tribal Coordinator Lakewood CO Lorna Wilson Management & Program Analyst HQ DC Kevin Spohrer Tribal Coordinator Vancouver WA Anthony Spann Sr. Tribal Coordinator Sacramento, CA Todd Brockmann Tribal Coordinator Vancouver WA

3 Major Funding source: What is the FAST Act ?
Con't Major Funding source: What is the FAST Act ? “ Fixing America’s Surface Transportation ” (FAST) Act Replaced MAP-21 in December 2015; FAST Act funds many programs 5 years: FY ; Website at Fast Act signed by President Obama on December 4, 2015

4 Funding & Assistance Programs For Tribes’ Transportation Activities & Projects
Tribal Transportation Program ( TTP ) Tribal Shares TTP Safety Fund Tribal Transportation Bridge Program Federal Lands Access program ( FLAP ) BUILD Grants ( formerly TIGER ) Infrastructure For Rebuilding America ( INFRA ) Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects Program ( NSFLTP ) DoD Innovative Readiness Training ( IRT ) ERFO and FEMA FTA – Federal Transit Administration Programs TTP is the Tribal Transportation Program.

5 The TTP What is it? TTP = Tribal Transportation Program
Con't The TTP What is it? TTP = Tribal Transportation Program Largest Federal Lands Highway Program Bigger than National Park Roads, and Forest Service Roads Began in 1983 – as the IRR Program. Serves 573 Federally recognized Tribes. Administered by FHWA, BIA, OSG and Tribes.

6 Choices for a Tribe (or Consortium) to participate in the TTP
Program Agreement (with FHWA) Tribe takes over TTP responsibilities listed in it, and in the TTP regulations. Government-to-Government (G2G) (with BIA) Similar to FHWA Program Agreement. “BIA 638 Contract” - Public Law , Subpart J Contract / Model 108 Contract. Office of Self-Governance (OSG) Funding Agreements With TTP provisions; OSG Tribes also can use Options 1, 2 and 3 above. Tribes can (often do) have a combination of these Delivery Options going on at the same time. Tribes with a G2G or PA can still have BIA 638 Contracts going..

7 87 Tribes in Alaska have Program Agreements with FHWA
Above Maps show locations of Tribes who have Program Agreements with FHWA. Photos: New boardroad next to old on in Eek, AK Road reconstructed and raised up on fill in Alakanuk, AK

8 Contact & Program Info Karl Gleason FHWA TTP Tribal Coordinator
(360) FHWA TTP website:  FHWA Program Delivery Guide:

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