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Optional Extra CreditEssay Prompt [Each level worth 3 pts]:

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1 Optional Extra CreditEssay Prompt [Each level worth 3 pts]:
How were the civil rights and anti-war movements able to achieve significant transformation within U.S. society? [Make sure you use correct expository format: Thesis, Body and Conclusion] Level 5 Clear, efficient thesis free of vague language. At Least 3 paragraphs [intro, 1 body and conclusion] Coherent and clear use of specific details, fact based examples to prove thesis. No instances of vagueness and generalities. References to alternative opinions. Level 4 Clear, efficient thesis free of vague language. At Least 3 paragraphs [intro, 1 body and conclusion]. Coherent and clear use of specific details, fact based examples to prove thesis. Rare instances of vagueness and generalities [no more than 1]. Level 3 Clear thesis is present. At Least 3 paragraphs [intro, 1 body and conclusion]. Use of specific details, fact based examples to prove thesis. Instances of vagueness and generalities [no more than 2]. Level 2 Vague or unclear thesis may exist. May have paragraphs that are unorganized. Lacks clear and specific examples to support thesis. Multiple Instances of vagueness and generalities that confuse reader and do not aid in proving thesis. Level 1 No clear thesis is evident. No organized paragraphs. No clear examples of fact based evidence. Vagueness and generalities throughout.

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