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Jeopardy! Begin.

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1 Jeopardy! Begin

2 Congress Political Beliefs, Behaviors & Parties Elections, Campaigns & Interest . Groups Media Constitution Court Cases $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

3 - $100 Which Committee is in charge of working out a compromise between Differing versions of a bill? C1-$100 Conference Committee Conference Committee

4 - $200 What is the action to amend a proposed bill? C1-$200 Mark Up

5 - $300 Impeachment requires an approval from which part of the house?
what is the required vote? C1-$300 Senate, 2/3

6 - $400 Who determines if and when a bill comes before the full body for Debate and amendment, and final passage? This debate is known as? C1-$400 Speaker of the House & Majority Leader of the Senate, Floor Debate

7 - $500 If a president vetoes a bill, Congress may attempt to override it With what kind of vote? State both the amount and way of Obtaining it. C1-$500 2/3 Roll call vote.

8 - $100 Local party meeting C2-$100 Caucus

9 - $200 What is the term used to describe when a presidential nominee selects a vice president running who has differing qualities in order to attract more votes for the ticket? C2-$200 Balancing the ticket

10 - $300 Terms of office that have a definite length of time are known as? A member of the house has this term for how many years? C2-$300 Fixed Terms, 2 years

11 - $400 What are the widely shared beliefs, values, and norms citizens share Known as? These lead to two major political ideologies name them. C2-$400 Political Culture; Liberalism and Conservatism

12 - $500 The cycle in which a person alternatively works for the public sector & private sector. Who is most likely to take part of this? C2-$500 Revolving door; a lobbyist

13 - $100 Political parties and interest groups are known as this.

14 - $200 Someone who does not join a group representing their interest
Receives the benefits of the group. C3-$200 Free Rider

15 - $300 Political arm of an interest group that is legally entitled to raise Funds on a voluntary basis from members, employees or others to Contribute funds to candidates or political parties. C3-$300 Political Action Committee (PACs)

16 - $400 Today’s voting system is based upon what? What is the
Requirement for this system? C3-$400 Winner-take-all system; 270 votes of the electoral college

17 - $500 This act restored a long standing prohibition on corporations
and labor unions for using general treasury funds and banned What type of party contributions? Soft C3-$500 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA); Soft Money contributions

18 - $100 Placing a certain slant on a story to deflect negative public
Attention against a candidate or office holder is known as ? C4-$100 Spin Control

19 - $200 Practice of perceiving media messages the way one wants to
And the practice of choosing media sources which are according To our beliefs. C3-200 Selective Perception and exposure

20 - $300 Rule no longer in effect that requires broadcasters to air a variety Of viewpoints on their programs C3-$300 Fairness Doctrine

21 - $400 Information provided to the media by an anonymous source as a
way of testing reaction to a potential policy or appointment is known As: C3-$400 Trail Balloon

22 - $500 Independent government agency that regulates interstate and
international communications such as the radio, TV, wire, cable And satellite. C3-$500 FCC- federal Communications Commission

23 - $100 Congress can regulate trade between nations, between states,
and among Indian tribes with this clause: C4-$100 Commerce Clause

24 - $200 Congress has the power to “ make all laws which are
necessary and proper,” through this clause & is found in what article? C4-$200 Elastic Clause in Article 1

25 - $300 Congress cannot pass a law that punishes a person for something
They did that was not a crime when committed. C4-$300 Ex Post Facto

26 - $400 Citizens of each state are entitled to all privileges and immunities Of citizens in the several states. C4-$400 Privileges and Immunities

27 - $500 The Supreme Court power to declare federal and state laws
Unconstitutional is known as? This was started by the court Case of? C4-$500 Judicial Review; Marbury V. Madison

28 - $100 “One man, one vote” ordered states to be as equal as possible
C4-$100 Baker V. Carr

29 - $200 1st amendment protects campaign spending, legislatures
Can limit contributions but not how much one spends of his Own money. C4-$200 Buckley V. Valeo

30 - $300 Ordered house districts to be as near equal in population as possible. C4-$300 Wesberry V. Sanders

31 - $400 US constitutional law case, in which the Supreme Court held that the 1st amendment prohibits the gov from restricting political independent Expenditures by corporations, associations or labor unions. C4-$400 Citizens United V. FEC

32 - $500 No racial gerrymandering; race cannot be the sole or predominant factor In redrawing legislative boundaries. What Case is this & what year was it in? C4-$500 Shaw V. Reno, 1963

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