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Winter of discontent.

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1 Winter of discontent

2 Was there political consensus by 1979?
E/D Explain changes in politics between 1918 and 1979 C/B Analyse ways in which political consensus had been reached A Evaluate the extent of political consensus

3 Key Words Political Consensus: When the main rival parties agree
Collectivism: Individuals give up some rights to work with the state for a common purpose. This is a choice. In Fascism the will of the state in imposed One-Nation Tory: Conservatives who believed in caring for the poor Socialism: The needs of society as a whole are put above the needs of individuals Keynesianism: Governments should borrow and spend their way out of political crises E/D Explain changes in politics between 1918 and 1979 C/B Analyse ways in which political consensus had been reached A Evaluate the extent of political consensus

4 Task – pp.19-22 PM Aims Achievements Failures Harold Wilson
Edward Heath James Callaghan E/D Explain changes in politics between 1918 and 1979 C/B Analyse ways in which political consensus had been reached A Evaluate the extent of political consensus

5 Political Consensus Policies were accepted that might seem Socialist or radical e.g. Nationalisation and the NHS Anthony Eden was a one-nation Tory Harold Macmillan wrote a book called ‘The Middle Way’ which showed his sympathies for the poor and laid out radical solutions Richard Butler = the Butler Act E/D Explain changes in politics between 1918 and 1979 C/B Analyse ways in which political consensus had been reached A Evaluate the extent of political consensus

6 End to Political Consensus
Edward Heath had tried to end post-war consensus but failed Thatcher was elected in 1979 and wanted to end Socialism within the Conservative Party This was supported because: Keynesianism policies were failing by the 1970s Conservatives called for a free-market Conservatives thought trade unions had too much money The Winter of Discontent meant people looked for radical solutions E/D Explain changes in politics between 1918 and 1979 C/B Analyse ways in which political consensus had been reached A Evaluate the extent of political consensus

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