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What is matter?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is matter?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is matter?

2 Mass Matter is anything that has mass (weight) and takes up space.

3 Heat, light and ideas are examples of things that are not matter
Heat, light and ideas are examples of things that are not matter. They do not have mass (weight) and take up space.

4 Volume The amount of space an object takes up.

5 Volume of a liquid You measure the volume (or space) of a liquid with a graduated cylinder

6 Mass (how much stuff is in an object) how much matter (particles) are in an object. It is an object’s weight You measure mass (weight) with a pan balance

7 Density How much mass per space. For example things that are very dense have a lot of mass (particles) per square inch.

8 Things that have a low density
A balloon does not have a lot of mass per square inch because it is full of air.

9 High density A marble has a lot of particles per square inch. It is heavier or more dense than a balloon because it is made out of glass instead of air.

10 Physical properties of an object
What the object is made of- metal, plastic, Wood , paper etc. 2. Color 3. Shape 4. Texture (how does it feel?) 5. Size 6. hardness/softness 7. Taste 8. Smell 9. State of matter. Is it a solid, liquid, or gas? 10. How well it conducts electricity 11. How well it dissolves in water (solubility) 12 mass, volume or density.

11 The three states of matter
Liquid Solid Gas

12 Solid 1. The particles are packed close together 2. It has a definite shape 3. It has a definite volume (takes up a definite amount of space)

13 Liquid The particles slide past each other
It has a definite volume (takes up a specific amount of space) It takes the shape of the container

14 Gas The particles are far apart The particles are moving quickly
It has no definite volume or shape, unless it is put in a container.

15 Physical change A change that does not result in a new substance:
Examples of physical change are Ripping or tearing an object Cutting down wood Shredding paper Changing the state of water from solid, liquid, or gas (it’s still water) Dissolving something in water. If you boil away the water you still have the substance.

16 Chemical change: a reaction or change in a substance that results in a completely new substance
A chemical change involves a chemical reaction. (some signs a chemical reaction has taken place are the release of heat, a change in color, a change in smell, or bubbling and fizzing (means a gas is being released). Examples are: baking bread, fireworks, rusting, and tarnish on silver.

17 Evaporation When a liquid is changed into a gas by heating it up. Liquid +Heat=Gas

18 Condensation When a gas turns into a liquid because it is cooled. Gas + is cooled =liquid (you can see condensation on the outside of a cold glass)

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