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Training module The triple win approach with EPC as solution for the split incentive in rented facilities 21/02/2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Training module The triple win approach with EPC as solution for the split incentive in rented facilities 21/02/2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training module The triple win approach with EPC as solution for the split incentive in rented facilities 21/02/2019

2 14 June 2018: the Commission, the Parliament and the Council agreed:
Energy efficiency Buildings represent 40% of energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions in the EU 14 June 2018: the Commission, the Parliament and the Council agreed: binding energy efficiency target for the EU for 2030 of 32.5% 21/02/2019

3 Introduction to guarantEE

4 guarantEE project Within guarantEE 14 experienced partners will foster the use of Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) in the public and private sector across Europe by especially: developing innovative EPC solutions for rented facilities making EPC more flexible to better serve private sector clients supporting EPC pilot projects with experienced facilitators 21/02/2019

5 Triple-Win-Solutions for the Split-Incentives-Dilemma

6 Split incentive dilemma
Benefits of energy savings are not enjoyed by the owner, but the user. OWNER TENANT INVESTMENTS ENERGY BILL 21/02/2019

7 The Split-Incentives-Dilemma

8 Triple-Win-Solutions
Cooperation between owner and tenant Owner concluding EPC contract Tenant’s intention for EPC contract 1 2 3 21/02/2019

9 Triple-Win-Solutions
Cooperation between owner and tenant Owner concluding EPC contract Tenant’s intention for EPC contract 1 2 3 21/02/2019

10 Cooperation between owner and tenant
1 Cooperation between owner and tenant One contract for all parties

11 The Split-Incentives-Dilemma – managed by a project facilitator
1 Fair balance of obligations and rights in all scenarios through skilled project facilitators

12 Triple-Win-Solutions
Cooperation between owner and tenant Owner concluding EPC contract Tenant’s intention for EPC contract 1 2 3 21/02/2019

13 Owner invests on own accounts
Requirements: Need for energetic refurbishment Long-time philosophy Advantageous: High fluctuation of tenants

14 Owner invests on own accounts
Building Type, Name: Residential complex "Meller Bogen" Location: Berlin, Germany Implemented measures: Ventilation of all ventilation systems Checking the system operating pressure pH value test antifreeze control Checking the flowmeter / volume flow values Checking the gravity brake, operability of all valves, the function of the pump and the operation of the controller… Savings: 1.884 €/a Credit: Sabine Dobre, Charlotte-Lothar M. Peter

15 EPC-contract with forwarding of savings
2b Tenant is persuaded to forward savings through increased quality of building Balconies PV/green electricity Green facades Smart technologies 21/02/2019

16 Sequential improvement of quarters
2c Suitable for large quarters Requirements: “mobile tenants” Need for energetic refurbishment Incentive to change house further additional benefits must be generated 21/02/2019

17 Sequential improvement of quarters
2c Building Type, Name: Residential Building, Karlsruhe-Rintheim Location: Karlsruhe, Germany Implemented measures: Sequential refurbishment of 45 buildings including flats on m2 living area (3.000 tenants concerned) More information: „Integrales Quartiers-Energiekonzept Karlsruhe-Rintheim“, R. Jank, R. Kuklinski Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart (2015) Credit: Reinhard Jank 21/02/2019

18 All-inclusive rent 2d Elegant solution, but (mostly) only legally applicable for: Student homes Residential care homes Commercial properties (e.g. shopping centres, offices) Increasingly: nearly-zero-energy-building 21/02/2019

19 All-inclusive rent 2d Building Type, Name:
Residential Building, Aktiv Stadthaus Frankfurt Location: Frankfurt, Germany Systematics: Apartments are offered including standard household appliances For special interior (e.g. large aquarium) tenants can purchase additional energy packages Space heating: tenants choose their desired comfort level (temperature), the building management system does the rest More information: 2d 21/02/2019

20 Triple-Win-Solutions
Cooperation between owner and tenant Owner concluding EPC contract Tenant’s intention for EPC contract 1 2 3 21/02/2019

21 EPC contract with owner‘s consent
Requirement: long-time tenancy agreements 21/02/2019

22 EPC contract with owner‘s consent
Building Type, Name: Indoor Swimming Pool, Aqua Nova Location: Wiener Neustadt, Austria Implemented measures: Adaptation of water treatment plants Renovation of the steel filter tanks Installation of new and optimization of existing ones Heat recovery systems Optimization of ventilation systems Installation of LED Savings: €/a (energy cost) More information: Credit: Stadt Wiener Neustadt 3a 21/02/2019

23 On-bill financing combined with energy supply

24 On-bill financing combined with energy supply
Building Type, name: Conference room and hotel Location: Graz, Austria Implemented measures: Condensing gas boiler and micro combined heat and power (CHP) for heat and electricity base-load Insulation of upper floor ceiling with inflated cellulose (recycled product) Energy management and controlling Savings: 2,000 €/a (energy cost) More information: Credit: Grazer Energieagentur 3b 21/02/2019

25 ‘Facilitators’ as Enablers and Link between Clients and ESCO
Energy efficiency Supplyers Facilitator as Intermediary Client ESCOs Finance, subsidy programs Consultants, Engineers, Architects, … Manufacturers, Technologies, … Project goals, feasability, ‘make or buy’? Project structuring, business model (potential) client Financial structuring, subsidies Legal structuring, ESCO contract Tender documents, procurement Proposal evaluation, contract award M & V + quality assurance, mediation Source: Jan Bleyl, 2013, IEA-DSM Task 16 Innovative Energy Services 21/02/2019

26 The Split-Incentives-Dilemma – managed by a project facilitator
Fair balance of obligations and rights in all scenarios through skilled project facilitators 21/02/2019

27 Results There is not one best solution – individual situation is relevant Consider consulting an experienced project facilitator Some interesting solutions (i.e. 2d) clearly meet the spirit of our age, but have to be verified in terms of legal compliance Details about the proposed solutions under this link: Your next steps: Do the EPC pre-check Contact a national project facilitator 21/02/2019

28 More information EPC PreCheck
Brochure on Triple Win Approach 21/02/2019

29 Questions and Outlook Additional value through increase of comfort is currently not quantifiable Same as for reduction of number of sick leaves, increase of productivity etc. Not considered at all: macro economic additional values such as ecological footprint etc. #MultipleBenefits of EnergyEfficiency 21/02/2019

30 Thank you More information on

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