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What drives are in the unconscious?

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Presentation on theme: "What drives are in the unconscious?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What drives are in the unconscious?
Sigmund Freud psychoanalysis Topographical Model Iceberg metaphor Psychosexual Stages Oral Anal Phallic Latent Genital What drives are in the unconscious? SEX AND AGGRESSION Oedipus Complex What is it for girls?

2 Behaviorist Perspective
Who Are They? Pavlov Watson Skinner Classical Conditioning Pavlov Operant Conditioning (Positive/Negative Reinforcement/Punishment Skinner Box Schedules of Reinforcement Variable/ Fixed Interval(Time)/ Ratio Lil Albert (Watson & Raynor) generalization

3 Person-Centered Theory
Carl Rogers Unconditional Positive Regard People are basically good First to acknowledge free will In personality Tabula rasa = blank slate

4 Jean Piaget Cognitive development Sensorimotor stage (0-2)
Pre Operational stage (2-7) Concrete Operational stage (7-11) Formal Operational stage (12 & up)

5 Lawrence Kohlberg Moral development Pre Conventional Conventional
Post Conventional Each is divided into 2 subcategories

6 Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
Safety  BelongingLoveEsteemself actualization All are deficiencies except self-actualization

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