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FERS and CSRS Retirement Benefits

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Presentation on theme: "FERS and CSRS Retirement Benefits"— Presentation transcript:

1 FERS and CSRS Retirement Benefits
KNOWLEDGE Is something you learn WISDOM Is the ability to apply that knowledge to your everyday Intro of Background Chartered Federal Employee Benefit Consultant Retirement 101 class Forms create or eliminate or eliminate a benefit – if you do not know how they work – gaining and losing LIFE ©2015 NEB & RPF

2 Chartered Federal Employee Benefit ConsultantSM Human Resources Counseling Trained
Nicole Brewer ©2015 NEB & RPF

3 Warning! Get the Correct INFO & ADVICE for you!
Make sure you work with someone that has the ChFEBCsm designation Not all ChFEBCsm licensed to talk about investments. Official Logo (as of 2015, only 10 in Ohio. There is only 1 licensed before me, 1 other I have not Trained) FINRA – broker check Go to – list Check

4 LEGAL DISCLAIMER This educational presentation contains the opinions and ideas of the presenter and is designed to provide useful information in regard to its subject matter. The presenter specifically disclaim any resposibility for liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, that is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this presentation. No specific company or product will be discussed. Promoting specific products, or applying any sales recommendation during this presentation is prohibited. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent person should be sought. ©2015 NEB & RPF

5 Seminar Topics CSRS / FERS Retirement Eligibility and Annuity Calculations Survivor Annuity options and alternatives Thrift Savings Plan: Pre retirement / Post retirement BREAK Social Security Benefits Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Federal Employees Health Insurance & Medicare Long Term Care ©2015 NEB & RPF

6 Retirement Questions Which need to be Answered!
1. Will my FERS or CSRS annuity be large enough to cover my expenses in retirement? 2. If there is a “GAP” how will I cover it? FERS supplement, TSP, IRA, ?? 3. How much FERS or CSRS Survivor Annuity should I choose? 4. Do I need additional Life Insurance? 5. How should I use my TSP in retirement? 6. Should I consider using an IRA? 7. When should I take my SS benefit? 62, 65-67, or 70? 8. Should I get Medicare Part A and Part B? 9. How do I pay for Long Term Care? ©2015 NEB & RPF

7 Conclusion – The Life Puzzle
Many are worried about every piece of the puzzle, whether it be about dying too soon, becoming ill, or living too long. Death Benefit provides income for surviving family Serious illness can be financially devastating without protection. You need to guarantee that you do not outlive income and portfolio Now you have knowledge, the wisdom is how to apply this to your individual situation. One of the complementary benefits of attending seminar is an individual consultation to show you your current benefits and how they apply to you in retirement as well as your other options. ©2015 NEB & RPF

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