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word Vocabulary Cards Language Literature Social Studies Science Math

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Presentation on theme: "word Vocabulary Cards Language Literature Social Studies Science Math"— Presentation transcript:

1 word Vocabulary Cards Language Literature Social Studies Science Math
BACK FRONT Part of Speech Subject or Book Title page number Definition - if there is more than one, use the one that fits the usage in the book. Sentence using the word. Use 3x5 cards File in box Keep all quarter Review for tests Games Writing

2 word Vocabulary Cards visual representation of word Language
Literature Social Studies Science Math word visual representation of word BACK FRONT Part of Speech Subject or Book Title page number Definition - if there is more than one, use the one that fits the usage in the book. Sentence using the word. Put yourself in the sentence, be sure that it shows the meaning of the word. Use 3x5 cards File in box Keep all quarter Review for tests Games Writing

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