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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary

2 admiring Looking at with wonder or respect
Fran is admiring the beautiful view.

3 choosy Picky, hard to please It’s alright to be choosy at Wendy’s.

4 average Ordinary, not special Today is another average school day.

5 signal To make known, to announce
When Mom rings the dinner bell, it’s our signal to come home.

6 tracks Prints left in the ground by an animal or person
It’s good to know which animal makes which tracks before you hike in the woods.

7 celebrations Joyous events that honor holidays, achievements, or happy occasions I love birthday celebrations!

8 Level zero is the third grade ______ to be silent.
admiring choosy average signal tracks celebrations

9 ______ mothers choose Jif!
admiring choosy average signal tracks celebrations

10 Dad is ________ his new son.
admiring choosy average signal tracks celebrations

11 Independence Day ____________ often involve fireworks.
admiring choosy average signal tracks celebrations

12 These ______ were made by a deer.
admiring choosy average signal tracks celebrations

13 The _______ family has a mom, a dad, and two children.
admiring choosy average signal tracks celebrations

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