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How does Truman run the country after WWII?

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1 How does Truman run the country after WWII?
Post War America How does Truman run the country after WWII?

2 $7,000! Mass Produced Homes Returning vets found a housing shortage
GI Bill of Rights gives Vets loans Growing demand for homes leads to birth of the suburbs Assembly line method of production made homes affordable Levittown - first suburbs in Long Island, NY $7,000!


4 Truman Avoids Depression
US worried about Depression as $35 mill in war contracts canceled and one million defense workers laid off However, people saved money during rationing period of WW II, Gov encourages people to spend some savings! Booming economy equals new jobs in retail and new technology creates manufacturing jobs Marshall Plan also allows new markets to open overseas GATT passed to increase trade by reducing tarriffs

5 Open Your Book to Page 636 Look at the graphs and answer the following questions in complete sentences: How many new homeowners were there between ? How much did household income rise during that time? When was the only time period in which savings dropped?

6 Truman & Civil Rights Truman wants to end racial discrimination
1)Proposes Anti-lynching laws, 2)ban on the poll tax & 3)permanent civil rights commission Congress votes all three down In response, Truman orders integration of the armed forces Baseball integrates as Brooklyn Dodgers sign Jackie Robinson, other MLB teams follow - Upset Southern Democrats form “States Rights” Party aka Dixiecrats

7 1948 Truman Wins in an upset Democrats split, run three candidates
1)Democrats – Truman 2) State’s Rights aka “Dixiecrats”– Strom Thurman 3)Progressives - Henry Wallace (former VP under FDR) Republicans - Thomas Dewey Truman wins in an upset, attacks Republicans for not supporting education, social security, and min wage

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