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Dr. George’s 9th Lit. Agenda

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1 Dr. George’s 9th Lit. Agenda
10/15/2018 – 10/19/2018

2 Essential Questions for the week…
How can context contribute to the understanding of a novel? How does a key scene from a novel contribute to the work as a whole?

3 Monday 10/15/18 Warm-up *MOVED FROM FRIDAY*
What is revealed about the characters of TKAM in throughout the exposition of the novel? REMEMBER: ALL WARM-UPS SHOULD BE AT LEAST ONE PARAGRAPH IN LENGTH

4 Monday 10/15/18 Agenda 1ST BLOCK ONLY – Finish TKAM Stations once and for all. We will continue reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Continue your character chart as we read. Say/Mean/Matter: After reading, you will complete the Say/Mean/Matter graphic organizer AND the quickwrite on the back.

5 Tuesday 10/16/18 Warm-up *3rd block only*
Describe the protagonist in TKAM. Is she/he a static or dynamic character? Round or flat? REMEMBER: ALL WARM-UPS SHOULD BE AT LEAST ONE PARAGRAPH IN LENGTH

6 Tuesday 10/16/18 Agenda UNIT 3 VOCAB. (from TKAM) : As we go over the vocabulary from your stations last week, write down the synonyms and parts of speech. IR Project Presentations: You received a handout with your classmate’s names listed. Next to each name (except your own), write a comment, question, or connection. TKAM Chapter 3 Reading: We will continue reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Continue your character chart as we read.

Wednesday 10/17/18 Warm-up In chapters 2 and 3, Scout begins her public school career. What were your "first days" of school like? Think about your earliest school experiences and how they compare to Scout's. REMEMBER: ALL WARM-UPS SHOULD BE AT LEAST ONE PARAGRAPH IN LENGTH

8 Wednesday 10/17/18 Agenda IR Project Presentations: You received a handout with your classmate’s names listed. Next to each name (except your own), write a comment, question, or connection. TKAM Chapter 4&5 Reading: We will continue reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Continue your character chart as we read. You Never Really Understand a Person activity (yellow): You will complete an activity analyzing the point-of-view of TKAM with a partner. HOMEWORK: READ CHAPTER 6 OF TKAM (LINK ON BLOG) AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTERS 4-6 (BLUE SHEET).

9 Thursday 10/18/18 Agenda UNIT 3 VOCAB. REVIEW (from TKAM) : Grab a review sheet and wait for instructions. IR Project Presentations: You received a handout with your classmate’s names listed. Next to each name (except your own), write a comment, question, or connection. TKAM Chapter 6 Reading: We will continue reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Continue your character chart as we read. You Never Really Understand a Person activity (yellow): You will complete an activity analyzing the point-of-view of TKAM with a partner. HOMEWORK: READ CHAPTER 7-8 OF TKAM (LINK ON BLOG) AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS (BLUE SHEET).

10 Friday 10/19/18 Agenda UNIT 3 VOCAB. Quiz: Place your phones in the collector and clear of our desk. All you need is a writing utensil. IR Project Presentations (3rd block): You received a handout with your classmate’s names listed. Next to each name (except your own), write a comment, question, or connection. LAST CHANCE! You Never Really Understand a Person activity (yellow): You will complete an activity analyzing the point-of-view of TKAM with a partner. TKAM Chapter 9 (maybe 10 ) Reading: We will continue reading To Kill a Mockingbird as a class. HOMEWORK: READ CHAPTER 10 OF TKAM (LINK ON BLOG) AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS (BLUE SHEET).

11 This week’s standards…
ELAGSE9-10SL4: Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically (using appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation) such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning. ELAGSE9-10RL3: Analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme. ELAGSE9-10RL5: Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to structure a text, order events within it and manipulate time create such effects as mystery, tension, or surprise. ELAGSE9-10W3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences. ELAGSE9-10W9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. CCRS L : Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words. CCRS L b: Analyze nuances in the meaning of words with similar denotations.

12 Unit Assessments… Formative TKAM Stations TKAM character chart Summative Independent Reading project presentations

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