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SWAC School Within A College Beginning February 2017

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1 SWAC School Within A College Beginning February 2017

2 SWAC Partnership Between…
HCDSB and Mohawk College

3 School College Work Initiative (SCWI)
What is SCWI? The School-College-Work Initiative (est. 1997)is a co-operative effort with a mandate to assist in creating a seamless transition for students from secondary school to college. In addition to a wide array of learning and awareness opportunities for students, teachers, parents and the broader community, projects have been developed to provide dual credit programs for secondary students through the partnership of secondary schools and colleges. A collaboration of the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE) and the Committee of College Presidents (COP), SCWI is jointly funded by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.

4 What are What are Dual Credits?
Dual Credit Courses (est. 2005) As ministry-approved courses, Dual Credits are a way for Grade 11 and 12 students, while still in high school, to earn a credit towards their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) while sampling college or apprenticeship industry-specific courses. Dual Credits count towards both the OSSD and a postsecondary certificate, diploma, or degree, or an apprenticeship certification. Students may earn up to four optional credits through Dual Credit courses. As well, Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM) and Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) students may receive some industry-specific certifications in Dual Credit courses.

5 What is SWAC Secondary school courses are taught by secondary school teachers College dual credit courses are taught by college instructor on the college campus Students are at college 5 days/week during the semester working on secondary school courses and dual credit courses Dual credit teachers provide instruction in literacy, learning skills and work habits Students are registered Mohawk College students and have access to all learning supports, resources and services

6 SWAC: Who is eligible? Disengaged students with the potential to succeed CRITERIA: Student application--available in all Student Services Offices Review of student’s OSR and credit counselling summary (has completed most of all compulsory credits and can potentially graduate within one year) Interview with the student Recommendation of teachers Discussion among members of the Student Success team regarding the options that provide the best fit with the student’s interests, strengths, and needs.

7 SWAC Process Guidance Counselors, Student Success teachers, Administration determine who is eligible for SWAC… Student Completes Application… Tuition , classroom materials and Transportation will be paid for through SCWI funding and arranged for students…

8 Timelines for SWAC End of May 2016: Guidance Counselors, Student Success teachers submit applications to Mohawk College June 2016: Guidance Counselors create student timetables to ensure compulsory courses are completed SEM 1 February 2017: SWAC program begins for students SEM 2 Maggio:

9 Cathy Jenkins Adriano Perusin
SWAC Contacts Cathy Jenkins Adriano Perusin

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