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Laura Pudney and Sophie Rogers

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1 Laura Pudney and Sophie Rogers
Fast Feedback! Laura Pudney and Sophie Rogers Written feedback can be a time consuming task so sharing methods to reduce time spent marking, without compromising the quality of it, are important. There are a number of strategies that can be employed before we begin to make our own contribution to the feedback process.  


3 Providing a quality success criteria is key to effective assessment. 
For example, in an Art lesson students determined seven criteria for a successful portrait of a face. The success criteria were numbered and simply ticked if met or crossed if requiring further attention – just like a pre-flight checklist.  As well as being suitable for peer and self assessment, this technique takes up very little teacher time, whilst still leaving plenty of work for the student to do.


5 This is then put on the board as a key to which task they need to do.
During marking, teachers give students a symbol/colour/sticker in their book that tells them which task they need to complete. This is then put on the board as a key to which task they need to do. They then complete that task in their books.






11 Some ideas for how to incorporate fast feedback in other subject areas:
Maths – placing dots next to incorrect sums/answers Science – use of success criteria grid targeted to specific topics/useful for BTEC marking Creative Arts/P.E. – Verbal feedback followed by students completing a task using a feedback key

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