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Acid Rain.

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1 Acid Rain

2 What is the problem? Acid Rain!
Do you know what is breaking the bricks on the side of your house? Or making the paint on your parents car look really old? What is the problem? Acid Rain!

3 What is Acid Rain? Acid rain is a very big problem in our world today. Acid rain is made up of harmful chemicals like sulfur and nitrogen. Those chemicals come from the black smoke the factories let out of their large smoke stacks. Then the smoke gets mixed up in the water cycle and creates acid rain.


5 What things do we as humans do to cause acid rain?
We pollute the air with cars, trains, factories, and airplanes.

6 What Effects Does Acid Rain Have On Humans?
Acid rain is harmful to humans because it cancan cause problems such as asthma, dry coughs, headaches, eye, nose, and throat irritations. It destroys trees that give oxygen and other types of plants and animals that are good for humans.

7 Acid Rain and Fish Acid rain affects lakes and rivers. All the fish in lakes and rivers will die. All the fish in 140 lakes in Minnesota have been severely affected because of the acidic water. To the extent that in some lakes, all the aquatic animals have died. Water polluted fish don't reproduce!

8 Why is acid rain a misleading term?
It does not always come down as rain!!! Acid rain can also be in the air as air particles (dust).

9 What Effects Does Acid Rain Have On Buildings?
Acid Rain eats away at stone, metal, paint almost any material exposed to weather for a long period of time. It causes rust and eats away at paint, stone buildings, and pipes.

10 Acid Rain is actually why the Statue of Liberty is Green!!!!!

11 Acid Rain dissolves minerals in the statues!
Before After

12 Our Science Experiment for the Day...
Let's Make Acid Rain... Our Science Experiment for the Day...

13 Problem: How many drops of acid (vinegar) will it take to dissolve the statue (antacid)?

14 Hypothesis: I think that it will take ______ drops of acid (vinegar) to completely dissolve the statue (antacid)?

15 Materials: *A pipette, *Vinegar, *A pan, *A cup, *1 antacid

16 1.) Fill a glass full with vinegar. 2.) Place the antacid in the pan.
Procedures: 1.) Fill a glass full with vinegar. 2.) Place the antacid in the pan. 3.) Rotate in your teams using the pipette to add drops of vinegar to the antacid. Be sure to count EXACTLY how many drops you use! 4.) Observe what happens and take notes

17 Observations: Make sure you write down EVERYTHING you see. What did the antacid look like after the first drop? BE DESCRIPTIVE!!!

18 Conclusion: How many drops did it take to fully dissolve the antacid? Was your hypothesis correct? How far off were you? How does this relate to real buildings and acid rain?

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