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3rd Grade Art Project Northwood Elementary PTA Art Docent Program

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1 3rd Grade Art Project Northwood Elementary PTA Art Docent Program
Still Life Drawing Presentation modified and prepared by Marni Sheppard 2018 3rd Grade Art Project Northwood Elementary PTA Art Docent Program

2 Still Life Drawing Materials Needed
 Materials in Art Docent closet- One orange, one apple and one banana all found on third grade shelf. Plastic table clothes one for each table Oil pastels 9 x 12 paper found on the shelf. Pencil Ruler

3 Examples of Still Life Art

4 Paul Cezanne Here are some famous examples of Still Life paintings…
This was painted in It is Oil on canvas. (Private Collection aka not owned by a museum) Paul Cezanne

5 Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh
This one of Van Gogh’s most famous paintings! He painted it in 1889 and it resides in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

6 Matisse painted this in 1901
Henri Matisse

7 Today’s Project Still life drawing
What does still life mean? It doesn’t move and it is real life not make believe. Look at the shapes in front of you. What shapes do you see? Still Life: A painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects (inanimate), typically including fruit and flowers and objects contrasting with these in texture, such as bowls and glassware.

8 Step 1 – Name and horizon line
Write your name on the back of your white piece of paper Take your white paper and draw a line in pencil that goes from on side to the other horizontally with a ruler. This is your horizon line!

9 Step 2 – Draw a diagonal line like shown
Then trace over the pencil with a dark colored oil pastel.

10 Step 3 – Observe what is in front of you and draw each piece of fruit first in pencil then outline in a dark oil pastel. Color the first fruit facing you first. Then the second and then the third and then the table cloth. This then enable no cross over lines. Erase these pencil lines. What are the shapes? Proportions- What is the biggest shape. What is the smallest. Foreground and background – Which fruit is closest to you? Which one is second? Which one is third? Where do objects overlap?

11 Step 4 – Color in Shapes Draw the first fruit first.
Then draw the second and then the third. Be aware of where the fruit overlaps.

12 Step 5 – Draw and color in pattern
Add detail on fruit. Add pattern on back wall and table cloth. When every piece of the paper is colored in then place a simple shadow under each piece of fruit. You can rub this with your finger and blend it out.

13 Step 6 – Details and shadows

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