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Sit In Your Child’s Seat – January 2019

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1 Sit In Your Child’s Seat – January 2019
Mrs Craven

2 General Routine Same as last half term!
Seats change every Monday still. Tuesday & Wednesday PE days. Home School Agreement – if it hasn’t been completed, please sign and return to the office.

3 Out of this World Space Geography – Investigating latitude and longitude, the equator and the hemispheres & time zones. Science –Planets in our solar system & the rotation of Earth in relation to the sun. Art – Considering light to effect our tones and shading.  Ancient Maya Science – Materials and their properties. History – We will be researching various factors of the Maya civilisation. Including, food, daily life, writing, number system and beliefs in order to make comparisons to modern Britain. D&T –designing a meal based on the food and resources available to the Maya. Art –Frederick Catherwood - develop their skills at technical sketching.

4 English - Writing Comma placement – ensuring sentences make sense and being used in complex sentences. Apostrophes for possession and contraction Varying sentence starters to maintain interest and flow. Working at Year 5 Term 2 Correct punctuation & setting work out independently in paragraphs. Using bullet points, subheadings etc to organise work. Relative clauses and complex sentences being used in most pieces of writing. Adverbials to start sentences (with a comma). Majority of known words spelt correctly. Plausible attempts for unknown.

5 English - Reading Continue with The Hobbit.
Start with a warm up in order to practise retrieval and inference skills along with considering the author’s choice. Picking out the evidence to support answers. Summarising the key points. Predicting based on what has been read so far. Impact of language on the reader.

6 Maths Continue with written calculations Angles
2D shapes, 3D shapes and nets. Identifying missing angles on a line. Investigating prime, squared and cubed numbers. Negative numbers. Roman numerals. Fractions, percentages and decimals. Converting mixed numbers and improper fractions.

7 Progress A range of assessment strategies
Continuous ongoing assessment If child is not on track to meet age related expectations then I will contact you. Provision Maps/Intervention letters. Parent’s evening – discuss your child’s progress in more detail in regard to Age Related Expectations.

8 Homework Set Friday to Friday 1 Task related to class learning
Maths Club – Tested weekly, child writes score in their homework diary. Spellings – Taken from either National Curriculum word list or linked to the spelling rule taught that week. Project Homework Children will be able to pick an aspect of the theme that they have enjoyed and choose from a ‘Pick ‘n’ Mix’ selection of tasks. This will be for each theme – 3 times per year.

9 Dates for your Diary Thursday 10th January – Explorer Dome in school.
Week commencing 14th January – Sit In Your Child’s Seat Friday 18th January – Popcorn Club Monday 28th January – Visit to Pewsey Church for LIFE Exhibition (10am – 12pm). Friday 15th February – Teacher Training Day. Week commencing 18th February – Half term Week commencing 4th March - World Book week (Friday 8th March dress up day). Thursday 4th April – Y5 Homework sharing. Wednesday 8th May – Residential to Plas Pencelli

10 Open Door Policy If you wish to contact me,  I am always available at the beginning and end of the day in the classroom. Available for phone calls before and after the school day. If you want an update, please arrange a meeting- I am always happy to see you! Parent Volunteers – Sign up sheet available. Thank you for coming. ​

11 Online Safety Responsible Use Policy & agreement.
Use of digital images. Please read the new documentation and sign. – lots of resources and advice for KS2

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