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“Rising to the Challenge”

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1 “Rising to the Challenge”
Deyes High School Year 9 Transition “Rising to the Challenge”

2 “I don’t know what career I want so I’m going to keep my options open”.
“I have a good idea of what I want to do for a career so I want to choose a collection of courses that prepare me for that career”. Good evening everyone and thank you so much for your attendance. Experience has taught us that the students sat in front of me now are likely to fall into one of two camps. There will some of you who will fall into this category. “I have a clear idea of what my future career will be and I am here this evening to select courses that best prepare me for that future”. And I can remember being so jealous of my classmates who fell into this camp, because I fell into the second category which was “I have no idea which career I want to pursue but I have a good idea of what subjects I am good at and which subjects I enjoy. I am here tonight to pick courses that continue my success and enjoyment of school”. Well I want to start this evening by saying that both mindsets are right! Because tonight is about more than picking your subjects. Tonight marks what I believe is a pivotal point in your academic career. Tonight you move from the passenger seat into the driving seat (I’m sure that’s a frightening prospect for some parents!) Tonight you move from following an entirely compulsory curriculum to playing an active part in deciding the direction of your future education and your future careers.

3 By 2026… So what does that future career look like? In short, we don’t know. By 2026 you may be driving your titanium flying car to work, where you are be greeted by a robotic receptionist who pours you a decaffeinated coffee while you sit at your 3D virtual desk which scans the morning’s to-do list to your retina ……….or maybe not!

4 By 2026… Economic analysts predict that the following roles will become common place in the UK in the next 10 years: Digital architects Avatar security consultant Personal bot mechanic Exoskeleton engineer Metal Skin Consultant LocaPreneur Alternate energy and farming However, all researchers and human resources specialists are in agreement that all of our jobs will look very different in 10 years time and the emergence of new industries is inevitable. Analysts believe jobs of the future will include… Furthermore, it is expected that today’s learners will have on average between 10 and 14 jobs before they are 38.

5 Individual Choice Future Pathways Skills Development
So how do we prepare for such an uncertain future? Firstly, you choose the courses that best fit your future, your skills set, your passions and your interests…not somebody else’s and not your friends. You consider carefully the paths that each course opens up to you and how you could take the subject further here at the College or elsewhere. And finally, you consider the transferrable skills that each course develops and the wider opportunities it provides. Skills Development

6 Other factors we have had to consider…
No more GCSE Modular exams throughout Years 10 & 11 All dependant on final GCSE exams in Year 11 Introduction of the “English Baccalaureate” (English, Maths, Science, a Humanities Subject and a Language Subject) Appropriate challenge for all Education until 18

7 Preparation to date… Options have been outlined in Year 9 assembly
Option booklets have been issued Form tutors have met with each student to discuss the options Performance data has been rigorously analysed

8 “Where tradition meets innovation”
KS4 Pathways to success “Where tradition meets innovation”

9 At Deyes High we believe in Learning Pathways
Tailored for the individual student, providing the right level of challenge To point students in the right direction To develop skills for the future To equip students with the necessary qualifications That students enjoy and want to do

10 The English Baccalaureate Pathway
Core Subjects English Mathematics Science History or Geography Modern Foreign Language RE PE 2 Option Subjects From the lists in the option booklets

11 From the lists in the option booklets
The Broad Pathway Core Subjects English Mathematics Science History or Geography RE PE 2 Option Subjects From the lists in the option booklets

12 Because I like my teacher
Because its easy Because I need it for a job Because my friends are doing it

13 Breadth and balance Appropriate challenge Strengths, talents and interests

14 The Process Transition Assemblies January/February
to explain the process and focus student minds on the future Form Tutor Interviews nd- 24th February to discuss Pathways and Possible Key Subjects and available options Consultation Evening 24th February To discuss progress and achievement this year Transition Evening nd March to provide Information and facilitate subject discussion and questions

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