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Customs Declaration Service

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1 Customs Declaration Service
Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Customs Declaration Service September 2018 Project Name: HMRC v1.8

2 Contents Context Benefits to traders Key changes Migration timeline
Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Contents Context Benefits to traders Key changes Migration timeline Trade testing What do businesses need to do to prepare Stakeholder engagement Where to go for support Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking Project Name: HMRC v1.8

3 Customs in context Trade is worth £700bn to the UK economy each year
Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Customs in context Trade is worth £700bn to the UK economy each year The current Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system, the means by which we identify goods for checks at ports, is critical to our customs models, enabling the flow of international trade In 2017, it was also responsible for the collection of £34bn in tax and duties Rail Air Road Maritime Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking Project Name: HMRC v1.8

4 Introducing the new Customs Declaration Service
Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Introducing the new Customs Declaration Service CHIEF ……………… CDS Today, customs declarations are made through the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system CHIEF has served the UK well over 25 years but is old technology and needs to be replaced Businesses are now gradually moving over to making declarations on the new Customs Declaration Service (CDS) CDS will be a flexible declaration system that can handle anticipated future import and export growth Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking Project Name: HMRC v1.8

5 Benefits to traders Built to allow for future trade growth
Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Benefits to traders CDS Built to allow for future trade growth More items can be included per declaration Integrated with other UK Government systems Declaration data available free of charge Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking Project Name: HMRC v1.8

6 CDS readiness preparations
Event Name Here 12/02/2007 CDS readiness preparations Work to get HMRC and external customers ready for CDS has been structures into five work areas: Internal Readiness Enabling HMRC staff to use the new system External Readiness Helping traders and declarants to move from CHIEF to CDS IT Delivery Delivering the new system Go Live and Support Enabling the transition of the new system from Delivery to Live Support Contingency Planning options in the event CDS is not available Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking Project Name: HMRC v1.8

7 New or different data now needs to be included with your declaration
Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Key changes Changes to the Import and Export Tariff, required by the Union Customs Code New or different data now needs to be included with your declaration This means there may be additional required codes for certain product types Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking Project Name: HMRC v1.8

8 CDS migration timeline
Event Name Here 12/02/2007 CDS migration timeline August 2018 R1 - Supplementary Declarations November 2018 R2 – Remaining Import Functionality TBC R3 - Exports Testing Stakeholder Engagement Targeted Communications Businesses and Declarants Moving to CDS Subject to change For Releases 1 and 2 we are moving declarants to CDS in two tranches: Tranche 0 – declarants who account for the lowest volume of declarations Tranche 1 – declarants who account for the largest volume of declarations. Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking Project Name: HMRC v1.8

9 CDS trade testing TTM 7 TTM 6 TTM 5 TTM 4 TTM 3 TTM 2 TTM 1
Event Name Here 12/02/2007 CDS trade testing Since December 2017 we have enabled software developers to test their applications as new functionality is developed We will continue with this testing approach until CDS is fully implemented For businesses that currently make declarations directly in CHIEF we’re also developing the new interface to do this in CDS TTM 7 TTM 6 TTM 5 TTM 4 TTM 3 TTM 2 TTM 1 Functionality Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking Project Name: HMRC v1.8

10 Make sure they have an EORI number, or register for a new one*
Event Name Here 12/02/2007 What do businesses need to do to prepare? All current CHIEF users will need to: 1 2 3 Make sure they have an EORI number, or register for a new one* Make sure their company has a Government Gateway account and have access to it, register for CDS and authorise their software developer Understand the changes to the Import and Export Tariff, available via GOV.UK *registration process to be confirmed Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking Project Name: HMRC v1.8

11 £ What do businesses need to do to prepare? You should also consider:
Event Name Here 12/02/2007 What do businesses need to do to prepare? You should also consider: Any training or information your business needs to provide to your staff, for example for the new Data Elements Finance process impacts, for example changes to Duty Deferment or Flexible Accounting System (FAS) accounts Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking Project Name: HMRC v1.8

12 … find out how they are working closely with HMRC to prepare
Event Name Here 12/02/2007 What do businesses need to do to prepare? HMRC have engaged extensively with software developers and CSPs to prepare for CDS. If you use third party or in-house developed software, or a CSP, you should: Contact your software developer, in-house team or CSP for further details on how they are preparing for CDS and… … find out how they are working closely with HMRC to prepare Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking Project Name: HMRC v1.8

13 Developing CDS in partnership with our stakeholders
Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Developing CDS in partnership with our stakeholders We are working with a broad range of stakeholders to help them: Understand the changes and new data requirements Make changes to their systems and software applications Update their customers on what they need to do to prepare for CDS We are also working across government to help other departments understand how the introduction of CDS will affect them and their customers Freight Tech SOUTHAMPTON FREIGHT LONDON CARGO Zippy Parcels >>> Shopping Village LOG A > Z Logi ZP> Logistics UK RAILUK UK LOG SQRL BIG A > Z Logistics UK Limited A > Z Logistics UK Limited FREIGHT DBF rail | Security Marking | Presentation Title | Project Name: HMRC v1.8

14 Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Communications HMRC started a communications campaign in January to raise awareness about CDS. February 2018 CDS factsheet distributed via 60+ SWDs and Trade Associations April 2018 13,000 unique views of GOV.UK news story August 2018 Import Tariff published on GOV.UK and sent to 150,000 stakeholders notifying them it is now available Feb / March 2018 Mailshot letter sent to 258,000 CHIEF users and ed to 99,000 who had provided addresses Jan 2018 ‘Getting Ready for CDS’ news story published on GOV.UK and promoted on social media July 2018 sent to 138,000 CHIEF users explaining the CDS release schedule | Official | Customs Declaration Service | Project Name: HMRC v1.8

15 Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Communications We have launched a multi-channel communications campaign that sets out what businesses need to do to prepare to move to CDS. Intensifying in September 2018 this will direct people to GOV.UK where you will be able to access relevant, tailored information about what you need to do to prepare. Social Direct Comms Targeted Content Events Press | Official | Customs Declaration Service | Project Name: HMRC v1.8

16 CDS Contingency Plan Contingency planning
Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Contingency planning From the outset, the CDS team has made it a priority that the new system is introduced without impacting imports or exports CHIEF is being tested to make it capable of managing any increase in the volume of declarations expected when the UK leaves the EU CDS Contingency Plan Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking Project Name: HMRC v1.8

17 Where you can find more information
Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Where you can find more information Visit: for more information and to register for updates Look out for updates on social media and via trade press Speak to your software developer If you have specific questions your developer cannot help you with, contact: Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking Project Name: HMRC v1.8

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