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Presentation on theme: "REGION VI REGIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Aug 11th, 2018"— Presentation transcript:

Microsoft Headquarters Redmond, WA Introductions – Nicolette and Naeem. Get names, schools, and positions (where applicable) of workshop attendees

2 To Lead Is To Serve Prepared By “Naeem Turner-Bandele | Chairman
Nicolette Helene Peerman | Vice Chairperson”

3 Who do you serve? Let’s break that down! The Membership Non-Members
Nicolette Group activity Recognize that there are commonalities between ”the membership” and ”non-members”. Get attendees to see that there is more to both categories. Family, friends, affiliate members, etc.

4 What’s unique about NSBE leadership?
Diverse Change Perspective Community Empathy Passion Nicolette Group activity Diverse: We don’t see a lot of leaders that look like us. Change: We bring the change that we want to see. Perspective: We are the voice for those that are not heard or completely forgotten. Community: We take the “I to we” and build together and holistically instead of individually. Empathy: We’re both the marginalized group and the problem solvers so we have a greater understanding of what the needs are and how to help. Passion: To have a drive, spark, and energy for something that you absolutely love. It is part of your why for your life.

5 What is your role? You have your positional duties (if you’re on the CEB) But… You also have other roles! Naeem Manager Advocate Spokesperson

6 Exploring Your Role Through Scenarios

7 Scenario #1 A member expresses to you that they want to quit NSBE because they don’t feel comfortable in the chapter anymore. The member claims that a chapter executive board member and another general member are pushing them out of the organization. What would you say to this member? To the board member? How would you handle this situation? Take 5 min to think about this scenario with your group. Nicolette

8 Your Role as a Manager Document and record the problem Respect privacy
Review NSBE Code of Conduct Consult trusted persons and authority Chapter President and Chapter Advisor Meet with stakeholders Yourself, Board member, Chapter President, and Chapter Advisor. Yourself, member, Chapter President, and Chapter Advisor Develop an action plan Dates, times, and metrics Consider reporting to NSBE Standards & Ethics Committee Nicolette and Naeem - Nicolette does the odds and Naeem does the evens

9 Scenario #2 You’re in a meeting with campus administrative leadership (Dean, associate dean, provost, etc.) to discuss the lack of support for Black students pursuing STEM degrees. You state that you do not believe that your campus provides adequate support for Black STEM students. The campus administrative leader responds, "I don't think that's true. Do you read the weekly s? ". They have doubts that what you’re saying is true and start listing off all the other resources in the School/College of Engineering that they believe help students. What do you do? How would you approach the conversation? What do you say to the campus administrative leader to convince them of your plight? Take 5 min to think about this scenario with your group. Naeem

10 Your Role as an Advocate
Come prepared Graduation Rates, Current # Black STEM students, ASEE Diversity Letter, and more! Stick to the facts Share quantitative data and qualitative examples Ask challenging and reflective questions Speak confidently but not forcefully Follow-up after the meeting Nicolette and Naeem - Nicolette does the odds and Naeem does the evens

11 Scenario #3 You’re in a Lyft/Uber on your way to a NSBE event and dressed in business professional attire. Your Black driver asks, "Why are you dressed so nicely?". You tell the driver that, " I'm on my way to a National Society of Black Engineers event". The driver mentions that their child wants to be an engineer but that they don’t know how to maintain their child’s interest in engineering. What do you say about NSBE? What advice do you offer them to help their child pursue engineering? Take 5 min to think about this scenario with your group. Naeem

12 Your Role as a Spokesperson
Use your prepared NSBE sales pitch Talk conversationally Mention NSBE Jr. Encourage them to attend an upcoming event Give personal experience Stay in contact! Nicolette and Naeem - Nicolette does the odds and Naeem does the evens

13 Questions? Chairman Naeem Turner-Bandele @r6chair
Meeting Request: Vice Chairperson Nicolette Helene Peerman


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