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MOZAMBIQUE: Puting the Right to Food in Practice

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1 MOZAMBIQUE: Puting the Right to Food in Practice
Right to Food Forum Roma, 1 – 3 Out. 2008

2 The International and National Framework of FSN
World Food Summit, Rome, 1996; 1998: GoM approved Food Security and Nutrition Strategy (ESAN I). The Technical Secretariat for Food Security and Nutrition (SETSAN) was created, based on the FSN Working Group.

3 ESAN I: 2005 EVALUATION Strengths Weaknesses
Institutionalization of the FSN working group Multi-sector approach Focus on three pillars: availability, access, use & utilization Weaknesses No integration of the Right to Food approach; Missing the linkages HIV/AIDS – FSN; Focused on rural FN Insecurity; No plan & budget; No clear-cut indicators of M&A. Strengths Institutionalization of the FSN working group Multi-sector approach Focus on three pillars: availability, access, use and utilization Weaknesses Missing the linkages between HIV/AIDS and FSN; Not clear-cut indicators of M&A; Focused on rural to the detriment of urban FN Insecurity; No operational plan; no implementation budget no integration the Right to Food dimension

4 ESAN I: EVALUATION Main Recommendation That is: To update ESAN I:
including the new pillars missing issues That is: Formulation of ESAN II.

Interviews with Key Informants- Government and Civil Society; Participatory consultation at national, and sub-national levels; Workshops: national and sub-national level; and Meetings of SETSAN Consultative Council.

6 ESAN II: Status Slogan: “Food Security and Nutrition: a Right for a Hunger-free and Healthy Mozambique”. This strategy calls for integrated approach: activities that promote FSN; Safety nets and social protection. ESAN II approved in October 2007; Advocacy of ESAN II in progress - starting with II FSN Symposium. ESAN II approved in October 2007 Dissemination of ESAN II in progress- starting with II Symposium FSN

7 ESAN II: Updated Pillars
Food Production and availability of food; Access; Use and Utilization; Stability; Adequacy. Pillars look at socially, culturally and environmentally acceptability and legal mechanisms to enforce the RtF.

8 ESAN II: Challenges IMPLEMENTATION of the strategy;
Setting up COORDINATION mechanisms; Enactment of the RIGHT TO FOOD LAW. Establishing food security and the right to food as central elements of sector strategies; putting the three levels of state obligations (respect, protect and fulfil mentioned by ESAN II) into practice; establishing recourse mechanisms for the right to food; implementing ESAN II as a multi-sectoral and in an inter-institutional manner; basing food security interventions on underlying and root causes of food insecurity; and strengthening SETSAN capability to coordinate strengthening the role of civil society in monitoring the realization of the right to food.

9 II SYMPOSIUM ON FSN Maputo, Moz, June: 18-20, 2008
Attendance: 728 participants: Mozambique delegates; International delegates : Angola, Brazil, Cape-Vert, São Tomé e Príncipe, FAO HQ. Official opening by The President of the Republic of Mozambique. June: 18-20, 2008 Maputo, Mozambique, 728 participants: Mozambique: Cabinet Ministers, Members of Parliament, Governors of Province, District Administrators, High Level Civil Servants, Academia, Research Institutions, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, UN Agencies, Donors, Civil Society Organizations, common Citizens; International delegates : Angola, Brazil, Cape-Vert, São Tomé e Príncipe, FAO HQ Official opening by The President of the Republic of Mozambique

10 II SYMPOSIUM: Objectives
General: To advocate for FSN and RtF and discuss appropriate ways to accelerate the reduction of Hunger and Chronic Malnutrition in Mozambique. Specific: To disseminate ESAN II and its PASAN; To advocate the legislation on RtF in Mozambique. Objectives: General; To advocate for FSN and RtF and discuss appropriate ways to accelerate the reduction of Hunger and Chronic Malnutrition in Mozambique. Specific: To obtain commitments to fight against hunger and malnutrition from the public sector and cooperation partners; To disseminate ESAN II and its PASAN; To sensitize for the importance of the crosscutting nature of FSN as a structural pillar of national and sub-national policies, strategies and plans; To discuss the institutional setup for the coordination of the FSN; To reflect on the importance of a legislation on the RtF.

11 II SYMPOSIUM: Declaration
Food security as a cross-cutting concept: The role of each sector; Investing in a future free of hunger; Coordination of implementation of ESAN II; Decentralization of the FSN programmes; The role of the legislation for realizing the right to food in Mozambique.

12 RtF: What was done Diagnostic studies on policies, strategies, plans and programmes related to FNS, HIV/AIDS, Budget and Legislation; Manual for identification of vulnerable rights holders: OVCs and PLWHA, pregnant women and other vulnerable people.

13 ESAN II and RtF in policies/regulations
Green Revolution Strategy: to increase food supply; Action Plan for Food Production: to face rising prices; Health and nutrition programmes: Nutritional vigilance, education & rehabilitation centres, Supplements, Primary health care; Employment generation; Social transfers as social protection tools: to most vulnerable households; Approval of the Law of Right to Adequate Food through public consultation. Green Revolution Strategy, to ensure an increased food supply; Action Plan for Food Production - to minimize negative impact of rising food prices; Health and nutrition programmes: Nutritional vigilance, Nutritional education, Food supplements, Provision of primary health care, Establishment of nutritional rehabilitation centres; Employment generation; social transfers as social protection tools, ensuring human dignity and adequate access to food to most vulnerable households; Drafting of the Law of Right to Adequate Food through public consultation.

14 Thank You Obrigado

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