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Development of a joint water and agriculture agenda

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1 Development of a joint water and agriculture agenda
Presentation SCG 8 and 9 March 2016

2 Introduction Water is the lifeblood of Agriculture
Farming accounts for around 70% of freshwater used in the world (OECD) Water management and Agriculture are strongly related

3 Blueprint The main causes of negative impacts on water status are interlinked: Climate change Land use Economic activities such as energy production, industry, agriculture and tourism Urban development and demographic change Pressure from these causes takes the form of Pollutant emissions, Water over-use (water stress), Physical changes to water bodies Extreme events such as floods and drought

4 Communication from EC to EP – March 2015
The agricultural sector is the primary source of diffuse pollution. Some progress in relation to declining mineral fertilisers' consumption. Still many gaps in the basic measures to address agricultural pressures. Supplementary measures reported in agriculture are largely voluntary.

5 Meeting Water and Marine Directors Luxembourg – Nov 2015
WD stressed that the work on water and agriculture can only be successful with a full engagement of the agriculture administrations, at Member State and Commission level. WD welcome the proposal by the future Dutch Presidency to have a discussion at the Amsterdam Water Directors meeting, based on some inspiring presentations on good practice of collaboration between the water and the agriculture communities, with the aim of identifying the issues that may be of interest to work together.

6 (continued) This will allow enough time to prepare well a first workshop of water and agriculture experts during the second semester of 2016 or first semester of 2017. The outcome of such workshop would be the basis for discussion at the first joint Water and Agriculture Directors meeting. WD also stressed that the assessment of the 2nd RBMP should be used to derive issues of common concern which might be addressed in the further dialogue with Agriculture Directors and agriculture stakeholders with a view to preparing the 3rd river basin management cycle.

7 Water management Agriculture Towards a joint agenda Water (re) use
Fertiliser / nutrients Manure / organic matter Land use / erosion Climate change Legislation / instruments Funding Circular Economy Water management Agriculture

8 Towards a joint agenda When What Who SCG 8-9 March 2016
SCG 8-9 March 2016 Information to SCG: outline and time frame NL /COM Mid-March 2016 Letter to WD with questionnaire: input for the agenda. To be answered within 4 weeks by WD and Agriculture Directors on MS level. NL/COM MS SCG 2-3 May 2016 Information to SCG on potential issues, based on results questionnaire

9 Towards a joint agenda When What Who WD 8-9 June 2016
WD 8-9 June 2016 Input: List of potential issues Pitches: good practices Output: Agenda and roadmap WD / COM t.b.d. Workshop Good practices of collaboration. (Recommendation for policy development?) MS, experts Meeting WD- AGRI Directors Presidency/ COM

Towards a joint agenda THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION

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